Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You may never see this...

You have probably long forgotten my blog by now since I am rarely ever here myself. I just read my last post and boy do I have some stories to tell, but can't because the things I find to humorous, the person that it is about might not. We have just gotten back from a long drive to Helena, AR. Our member, Sis Mary Burch, lost her dad and we traveled to be at the funeral today. It was so crowded that we never got to speak to Sis Mary. She knew we were there, though. So did the congregation because the minister in charge had me stand for the everyone to see. I just expected to be put on spot for some reason. He just asked me to stand and recognized me and our sacrifice to be there. It was very kind of him to do so although a little strange. We made the journey home after a quick stop at such a fine eating establishment...Sonic. Our local Sonic has been closed for a couple of months while they build a new one. Tabithia is crazy about the place and crazy when she is not about it. She is very tired. I forget sometimes about the the limitations of the slightly weaker vessel. She does very well though.

Speaking of weak. We had a bake sale last Friday. It went very well. I was up until 3 am, and them back up at 6 the night before, getting things ready. I had to go pick up a load from a coworker of mine that has been so faithful to attend our Sunday morning service. He made so much stuff. What a generous guy! It is good because between me and him that was all there was. Bro Fred did manage to talk some of his relatives out of a couple of jars of goods. We raised somewhere around $100. That is very well considering our yard sale raised $20 and there was good stuff in there. Augh... I think I shall retire and keep those stories to myself. They are really good though!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Unfaithful at Some Things...

I have learned that my new life as a pastor enables me to fulfill the calling of God on my life. It is a satisfying and gratifying feeling that cannot be explained. Even at the most difficult moment, it is not in my heart to turn tail and run. I have worked tirelessly at promoting and sending out cards and invitations, organizing and cleaning and doing all things possible to ensure a warm welcome and a spirit of worship. The stage is set so to speak. It is an unending job where there is never ample time to do all that I would love so much to do. I yearn to paint and hang new lights and do other work, yet souls are in need of rescue. So, I pace myself and do what is needful for now.
Really, pastor, is a new identity that is unlike who I was before. Not entirely, but mostly. It has meant the death of parts of me or at least rest. I am not the avid gardener I was, that part of me just does not have the time to come out. I am not such a busy neat freak. That part now sleeps. I am not complaining, but for now those things that identified me before are as the old cliche goes..."back burner." Even blogging is one of those things I have so little time for. I ask myself now what I think I am doing. Time moves so quickly. Where does it go? I would love to tell the quirky crazy stories here I once did, but I just incorporate some of that insanity into the pulpit.

So if you wonder where I have been, I am not dead, just parts of me wait until the day is spent and the work is done. That crazy preacher has just redirected that energy to a different place. I may seem unfaithful here, but in other areas I am giving my all. Maybe soon I will have some hilarious, riotous story to post. Don't count me out. Lord willing I will post again!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Okay, I Can't Stop...

I thought I would try one more desperate attempt to redeem myself. Let me first say that I picked a more mature (probably in many ways) man than I with a wee bit of gray around the edges (cause there is only hair on the edges) Just kidding. I want to be sensitive here. I ran some one's picture besides mine to see what results would come up. If the program runs me as older, then someone more advanced in years should probably come up looking like the Crypt Keeper. Well, la ti da, guess what...they didn't!!! I am still older. Bro Ray, than you for volunteering for this experiment (well, maybe I volunteered you) and being such a good sport.
I will not whine or cry (at least I am not typing those sentiments). *bites lips* Okay! That is all okay!

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph


Even a not very good picture of my adorable bride brings much better results than the old man!!!!

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Not A Bit Better!!!!!!!

Well, I may have to take that back. The beady eyed Pierce Bronsan was on this list. That first one though, Joe Perry, he looks like he was beaten with an ugly stick and his neighbor...eeewwww!!!!! Really. I am so not being nice today, but it is true. People know when they are ugly. I am apparently having to come to terms with that. Reality, how harsh, how cruel. I really do not think that I will perform another such test. It just keeps geting worse. Alas, I will alow you to go back to you daily tasks as will I! Cinderfella is just to ugly for the ball...home for me...a life of scrubbing floors...chores!!!

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Descendants - Blank family tree

I Look Like Old Men...

AUUUUUGGHHHHHH! I saw on some one's myspace how they did the celebrity look a like thing. I had a patient tell me one time that I looked like Brad Pitt. Although I think that is far from the truth and I am not a Pitt fan, I took it as a compliment. Well, one of my coworkers has always mouthed about that and just hee hawed! That is southern for laughing to the point of incontinence. Ahem. Now where was I. Oh, yes! Look alikes my foot! These are all old men. I was expecting quite different results. I picked my professional picture...AAAAAUUUGGHHHHH!!!!! These are all old men. Now, if you find yourself in the same age range as these people please do not be offended. There is nothing wrong with that if that is how old you are but to have my youthful essence and be classified as ancient is unacceptable. You could probably put your pictures in and look like a young Shirley Temple or Ron Howard. I look like him now!!!! Not Fair!!!!! Okay, maybe I am being offensive again. Perhaps I should be honored to rank so highly among the more mature men. Come on Dan Rather!!!!!!! I don't look like Dan Rather!!!!!
All of this with my birthday less than a month away! I think I shall forget the day all together. The way I look I probably will anyway!
Really, I am not that shallow (those wrinkles evidently look like glaciers receded across my face). Let me also say that David Carridine is homely! (pause for laughing). Really, he is! I am going to have to find a more scientific site and see who I really resemble. This is too much!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where Have I Been...

Oh, my!! Nearly a month has passed and nothing from me! Not a thing. Well, lets see what all has taken place. I had surgery...yes, oral surgery. Don't try to down play that like it was nothing. I got up the next day like a had cheeks full of nuts. the next day was even worse, cheeks full of grapefruits (whole grapefruits). I wish I only had pictures with me now to prove it. During all of that I was contacted by Bro Dewayne Smith about pastoring a Church this year. That dialogue went on for a couple of days. I accepted because I had always felt a connection with that Church. If there ever was a place to start I knew it was there in Paragould, AR. I thought I better say where. It is about 30 minutes from my home. So no moving involved now. I did have to move from the Congregation I love so dearly though. Jonesboro is such a wonderful place, the Church. It is all about LOVE! You can feel it. It was no small undertaking moving out of the Children's Church room there. I had so much stuff that now takes up nearly half of my garage.

Once done there is was time to start moving into Paragould. It is a really cute little country church type feel. There are some opportunities for building improvements. There are really great members, though few. Thus far many have visited with us. Some neighboring Church members, some first time guests. It has been great. I have really enjoyed it thus far.

The day is slipping away from me and I have yet to get my CPMA service together for tonight. God bless you all! More later!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A Little Behind...

I am just a little bit behind my goal for posts in 2008. Not by very much though. I am also behind in information. Let's see...Hunter, my nephew, came home from Arkansas Children's Hospital last week. He had a check up on Monday in which they said he was better than when he was discharged. So that is wonderful news. He came to Church on Sunday. That kid needs a haircut. He was cooped up in the hospital for a month. He is looking shaggy. It was a great sight to see him home though. He is still on a special children's renal diet with all kinds of restrictions about what he can and cannot have. No milk, not bacon, no nuts, no salt, no chicken nuggets. I am not sure if the kid can eat anything really. Don't think that he can have his favorite condiment either, ketchup. Poor, poor, Hunter. I think the girls are glad to have him home and their mother of course. I have felt so sorry for all involved. It has been quite an ordeal. Hunter really was spared, THANK YOU JESUS!!!! Although he looks quite ghostly (pale white) he is very lively. It is wonderful.
In other news, since my last post I have continued comping at Wal Mart and coupon clipping. At Kroger the other day, I saved $27. That falls short of the $35 at Walgreens just days prior. I have had other savings in the past couple of weeks in excess of $100 total. It has been very impressive. It is a thrill to go into the store and walk out with free stuff and have done nothing illegal. With double coupon the other day at Kroger that is just what happened. Free stuff!!!! No five finger discount. No dash out the front door. No security chasing me! I think that, too, might produce an initial thrill but guilt would set in later.
Well, I am a post closer to my goal and really must be cutting this off. I have much, much, much to do. Have a great few days!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Did It...I Did It...

Finally I have found some kind of template out there that I could make work. When everyone else had such cool blogs, I was stuck with Mr. Soto. Now that everyone else has just about quit blogging, I finally figured it out. It seems I am often a day late and a dollar short. Speaking of dollars, I hope, I think it is payday. I had $4 in the bank yesterday. I felt poor. I have been spending a little extra lately in an effort to save money. That sounds crazy so let me see if I can make some reason out of it. I heard somewhere that you don't buy things because you need them right then. you buy because the price is right to buy them. Like for instance, Walgreens had Windex, BOGO at $2.79. I also had a manufacturers coupon for $1 off. So I got 2 bottles of Windex for a little over a dollar bottle. I also bought instant coffee at such a terrific bargain. I saved $35 in there.
I have turned sale watcher, coupon clipper. It really pays. I am not one of these people that are terrified about gas/food prices. I am being wise though and making an effort to reduce spending and store up some things. I found canned goods on sale the other day and filled the pantry back up. I am not going crazy though. I will not have to buy vitamins for a year. I think it is kind of like the thrill of the hunt. I love a bargain. The other day I went to a local thrift store and found 5 student desks for our children's church room. They were $5 each and in great shape. They even had the books of the Bible taped on top on a bookmark. I went to TSC the other day and found dog food for about $4 less per bag than Wal Mart. Good times!!!! It is great. At Wal Mart, I found cereal in the bag for $1. My old way of shopping was crazy!
Well, I gotta go. There are bargains outs there calling my name, if my check hit the bank! I will have to find that out first. I off to find a bargain!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Crossing the Dela"where"...

A Scene From the Wizard of Oz

Watch Where you Put Your Foot...

Seally Kids!

Petting Zoo...

ZOO TOO (I mean 2)

Okay, I had trouble getting the pictures on here, Rather than give a big long narrative play by play I will let what pictures I can get up do the talking.

It's a ZOO Out There...

In our Children's Church we have been studying "fearfully and wonderfully made." We have looked at the diversity of creation and the brilliance of the Creator. So to kind of cap this off we made the hour trek (sounds like we walked it, barefoot and in the snow) to the Memphis Zoo. I have long wanted to go to the Zoo. Do you perhaps see a bit of ulterior motive there? Well, we got there with our children clad in F.R.O.G visors which I stayed up until 2 am finishing. Some people are such procrastinators. PITIFUL!!! The F.R.O.G of course stands for fully rely on God. You may catch a glimpse of them in the photos.

We had a very good time. I did notice that children are not like they used to be. I am still a child, pretty much. I wanted to see everything, bounding around like an escaped ape. I am mystified by the awesomeness of creation. I think all of the kids took at least a little turn riding in the rented stroller. These are not all small children. Hmmm! Lazy bums!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Treasure Hunter...

I was trying to come up with a phrase that had Hunter in it. At first the title was "Great White Hunter." That seemed a bit racist or something. Anyway it was not the right fit. However that kid is ghostly white. I heard that he was even more pale in his illness but that his color had returned and swelling reduced but he still has a way to go. His other grandmother, Brenda (that could be confusing because my mom is a Brenda as well) asked a nurse if he was out of danger. The answer was a stern, "No."
He is making progress though. His kidneys are producing minuscule amounts of urine. There was a set back on Wednesday as his dialysis catheter clogged and a new one had to be inserted. That typically is an almost surgery like procedure performed in the xray department. He returned to dialysis on Thursday and had 700 ml filtered from his blood. That was the most successful dialysis session he has had. That is really a lot of fluids to be floating around excess in a small child's body. He has lost 5 more pounds, leaving him somewhere around 28 pounds.
The poor kid has not been able to eat or drink due to vomiting and fluid control. Last night everyone that entered his room was quickly informed by a near 2 year old that he wanted his cup and he was hungry. They finally decided to allow a Popsicle which he was so grateful for. If he did well with that he might get something else.
He has been playful the last couple of days. He has had his oxygen line wrapped all around him. He even knocked it off during the night and his saturation level remained high. That means that although he has very rapid, labored breathing that it is for the most part effective.
Jeremy has said that this experience puts a lot of things into perspective. they normally only allow one parent to sleep in the room with him. Jeremy will not even leave the floor to rest in the family area. He just camps out on benches or whatever he can find just outside of the unit. He really does not want to be that far away. they have discovered what a treasure they have in Hunter and all of the others. I am sure they knew that all along but this experience has really changed the way they look at things.
Last night Momma came over with the girls to pick up some cards and things from people at Church. they were on their way to Wal-Mart from our house. Low and behold...if Cameron would not go with them. She stayed with me and Tabithia and Scooter while they shopped. She would say "Scooter Pooter." She said she was our little girl and that Scooter was her brother. that kid is such a mess. Due to her eye condition, she really does not open her eyes fully outside that often. When she does it is very quick. I tried and tried to get a wide-eyed picture to no avail. I really believe she would have stayed the night. She was well behaved much unlike her behavior I heard over the telephone earlier. She just played in the rocks around the pond and the sand between the cracks of the brick patio. I guess I should say the sand that was between the bricks. They miss their little brother and I was glad to give them an excursion. Cameron had said the other day that she was going to come to my house and get in the pool. When I asked her about it she said it was not the big one. On Memorial Day I placed a small pool out just in case the big pool proved too much. She was willing to drive 20 miles to get in a little $8 kiddie pool. Well, she doesn't drive but whatever.
I am on the eve of going to work with very much to accomplish. I will try to update this information with what I know over the weekend. I don't know how busy I will be, but I will try. Please keep praying. The results are those prayers are seen and felt already!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

All About Hunter...

It turned out to be a very rough weekend for those in the house of Mullins. Hunter Ray Mullins, 23 months, had been sick since Memorial Day with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. He was unable to hold down much of anything for that whole week. On Friday evening his parents, Jeremy (my youngest brother) and Crystal, noticing a continuous decline in his condition, decided to take him to the emergency room. They arrived and checked in at around 8 pm. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 11 pm after a slight protest they received the next available room in the ER. As his lab tests began to come back it was clear that Hunter was a sick little boy. His creatinine was very elevated at over 3 times the normal demonstrating that his kidneys were not functioning as they should. As the ER staff waited on a urine specimen, it was determined they were not functioning at all.
After a series of exams, xrays, lab tests and consults it was determined that Hunter would be better served by a pediatric hospital. He and her mother were transported by ambulance to Little Rock's Arkansas Children's Hospital, a nationally acclaimed hospital. Upon arrival it was determined that he was in desperate need of dialysis as his blood pressure skyrocketed to 186/133, a critical level for an adult much less a tiny, less than 30 pound infant. As he was prepared for treatment, his lung collapsed, dealing yet another set back and postponing the needed dialysis. Central lines, dialysis catheters, epigastric tube and intubation were all employed and Hunter was placed on a ventilator. Saturday was a horrendous day of waiting for news to surface from Little Rock. It was a day of great fear not knowing what God had in store for this family.
At sunrise Sunday, there was nervous anticipation as to what the outcome might be. Finally the call was made and there was peace. Hunter was waking up wanting his mother and his shoes. He is a child that must have his shoes at all times. When he gets out of the bath, when he goes to bed, the boy wants his shoes. It was the first sign of an improvement and it was very welcome. But little Hunter is still not out of the woods. He remains in the unit at children's undergoing dialysis. All of the intubation has at the time of this writing been removed but he has begun to have labored breathing and is extremely anxious.
It is uncertain at this time what brought all of this on. It was originally suspected that it was E coli and consequential Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Doctors are now questioning that diagnosis and cultures are pending. His sisters are still here wanting their baby brother to come home. They were in quarantine while their own lab test were out. They came back negative for any bacteria and once again can be around other children.
It has been a rough weekend and start of a week. There have been small improvements in his condition. Those rays of hope are shining and getting brighter at the same time. Please be in earnest prayer for Hunter and the family. Jeremy and Crystal both need the Lord in their lives. This situation may be just the opportunity.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Way Past Due...

Well, I did so well for so long and then***raspberry***NOTHING! I know that must have left my blog fans hanging and I do apologize for that. I was just trying to post a picture, but somehow it did not work! We have yet another duck in our home. I went out to feed the squawkers Sunday afternoon and to my delight there was a tiny black hatchling still in part of its egg. I rushed to the scene and took it into my arms. Not only is it a black duck with little black feet but it also has a yellow belly, hence the name Chicken (coward). We tend to call it Chickie. It is very cute. Meanwhile, Scooter is nearly fully grown and, yes, still inside. He will follow you around in the yard like a puppy. I don't know about that. We have some puppies that came down from the farm the other day and they did not follow us one bit. They did manage to wallow out the flower bed though.
Let me talk about something unrelated to animals. The Lord laid on my heart a CPMA program to decorate the graves of our deceased members. I arranged R/W/B/P flowers with a tag. I have yet to get them placed. It is a shame that some of these resting places may have even been forgotten and uncared for all of these years. The tags proclaim the Biblical bursting forth. Though absent from the body, these members who left behind such rich heritage are present with the Lord. Placing these flowers shows that these Christian soldiers have not been forgotten, nor has their sacrifice and testimony. We had a very moving CPMA service the other night. We may not have some of the great properties that these funds (CPMA) once went for but we do have all of these others where great men and women were laid to rest. It would be great to have some permanent markers for this endeavor.
The pictures above are Maggie (Magnificent) Roloff. She is a "little dog." She is a third the size of her siblings. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in attitude. The other picture is the table I designed for our back porch. We wanted something bigger that would not break the budget. A ready made table was not available that fit those criteria. It has been pretty uneventful around here. Just working and cleaning...I guess I should get back to it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weeds In The Garden...

Well, I will start by stating that after 4 weeks, Scooter is still in the house. He seems to be half grown and we still have no intentions of returning him to the others at this point. In fact there have been rumored successful house-breaking's of ducks. I will research that a little once I get off here. I finally named the other new duck that lives with his momma, Goose. Out there is Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck...GOOSE! I love it!
Enough about the ducks though. It seems that I have to pull weeds every time I turn around. Places where I just pulled weeds the next day will have more. It is kind of like a gray hair. They say don't pull them or ten will take its place. Some people should really have listened. No, I am just kidding. I do not believe the superstition. I do not pull my gray hairs because I am follicularly challenged and no matter what color, every hair counts. Where was I? Yes, weeds! No, not weed, but weeds. The way my mind jumps around I wonder about the first. I will be the first to say I never smoked marijuana. My uncles did in front of me though while they were supposed to be the responsible ones babysitting me! No wonder I am so warped. One of those uncles has really turned his life around. The other...not so much. Let's see...follicularly challenged...pot...WEEDS!
I thought it best to start a new paragraph (if blogger really breaks it up. For some reason my paragraphs never split ????) I pull weeds and pull weeds (THANKS A LOT ADAM!) . There are some I do not. Those that would risk uprooting a valuable plant I leave. I don't want to damage the good by removing the bad. In some cases I could probably get the weed out with some minor damage to the roots. I don't want to stress that plant or cause undue pain. Some things may be considered weeds but I like them and tend them tenderly as my little green children (I am crazy today). It has been said one is nearest to God when in a garden. I don't know all about that, there have been many times I have felt him closer. But there are some deep lessons that can be learned. We grow here in the Garden of God and He tends us to be the very best plant. Some perform different tasks. One thing is sure, the grass whithereth and the flower fadeth. There is but a short time, a short growing season to catch the eye of someone. Just as plants don't so much draw attention to themselves, we reflect back the mastery of the Gardener. Some plants are fussy and require much toiling and care. Others just need the right conditions. He knows our perfect placement, care instructions. He knows just where to place us on the path to be awe inspiring. Plants are at the whim of the gardener to do as he pleases. May we find ourselves in the same position of the Master Gardener.

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Don't be fooled by my title. It is not an apparition that plagues me, it is the constant sound, "Cheep, cheep..." It is everywhere. I hear it when I am in the yard. I am at the hospital now and met an older man walking down the hall. Something about him made that screaking sound very similar to the call, cry if you will, of my precious child, Scooter. I hear that sound so much at home, it seems to be universal. A moment ago I even heard the elevator make the same sound. Cheep! Some people must be quackers (you know who you are). I guess I am just cheap! Well, this has to be a brief post. The kiosk I am at has timed out on me before when I had a wealth of wisdom typed and prepared to be an immense blessing. Did any of you ever feel that way about your real children (don't tell me Scooter is not real)? Did it seem like you always heard them whether they were really making noise or not?

Friday, May 02, 2008

Strange Night...

A few weeks ago we had the strangest night. I immediately ran for my camera knowing that this moment could not be duplicated. A storm had just passed through at sunset. That was the only sun we saw that day...right at the end. It was such a glorious sunset. It was dark and light all at the same time. The trees seemed golden. I just wanted to leave you all with this and the following two posts before the weekend. If you have not read in a while we have gone to the ducks. In that case there are several inspiring posts you should read (Is this a commercial for my blog or what?) I have much to do today. We have a mission auction at our Church tonight. See there, I do attend some functions. I have to do a little cooking and cleaning and sleeping today. It sounds like the weather will not permit much else. The rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance. What a good day for a nap! I don't say that lazily. For those who might not know, I go to work tonight as 10:30 and work until 11 am in the morning, then basically repeat it the following night. It is time for another crazy weekend of work. It really does get crazy. I had a girl tell me last week, "You would look cute with earrings." My thought was, "Girl, What is your problem, I look cute without them." Isn't that like the world? They think you have to have some bling to shine. I would rather shine with the Light and Love of Christ. I had another lady tell me she knew she had a tumor because it moved around just like a baby. I was like, "Woh! Get this woman a psych eval." While tumors do have their own blood supply and show up enhanced on contrasted CT's and are able to metastasize, they are not living breathing creatures that move around of their own will. They have no wills, brains or intelligence. It sounds like she had an alien to me. There is also the case of the shrunken head. A woman repeated exclaimed during her test, "You are shrink my head!" Sigh! The overnight hours on the weekend either produces those who are genuinely ill or those who are genuinely mentally ill. There is never a dull moment, I assure you.
I will just concentrate on that photo above and think of the beauty that God has made. We are, after all, fearfully and wonderfully made. That does not mean God was scared of us although some people scare me witless. He took great thought and care in creating us. The very design and complexity of our bodies clearly demonstrates that. So even those who seem a bit off...still deserve the same care from me. The Master potter is able to remove even the deepest marring from these vessels. I am not that potter, I just simply get them to His hands.

I Let the Cat Out of the "Box"...

This is what your children look like the next morning when they stay up all night. He has decided to sleep in my box of pool supplies way up high on top of a desk on top of another desk. It was placed in such a precarious spot of altitude to avoid having the cat in the box. I have not made any attempts to evict him yet. It is kind of cute. I am sure I can get cat hair off of everything (I think). Don't the poor baby look tired. He has been with us over a year now. Other than laying out all night at times he has really calmed down. He does not attack me anymore. He's been really good or just really tired. I'm not sure.

Nintendo D(uck)S...

It seems that Scooter has developed the same mind rotting habit of his mother (Tabithia). He is addicted to video games. Tabithia can break this out in the car or at a restaurant and you never hear a peep out of her. It seems that our little duckie is no different. Really though, this game is not suck an intelligence deteriorating activity. It causes one to think and react quickly. I personally stink at it. Scooter really caught on quickly. You can see the motion of his wings. he is really getting after it. If he keeps this up, we will have to at least find him a blue game. I don't want to give him a complex. The next morning he read the mail with me. I was unable to successfully get his picture as he skimmed over the Arkansas Vacation Package. I have to get this duck a job. AFLAC's got nothing on him. I am quite sure he could peck that little GEICO gecko's eyes out, too. I don't promote violence or anything but if it should come to it my child is tougher. I know, I am just another one of those competitive parents, one of those sick people trying to make their child a star. Just ask yourself this, "Have you ever seen a duck play a video game?"

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ducky See...Ducky Doo...Lots of Ducky Doo...

Having Scooter in the house has been quite the adventure. Really it has not been bad. He has only started to make messes. Yes, piles of messes. Last night, though, I put him down on the floor. He never had one "accident" as we call it. Why we call something that comes naturally to an animal an accident I will never know. Anyway, that is all pretty easily cleaned. A little disinfectant and paper towel and we are as good as new. The floor is clean enough to eat off of again (GROSS!!). Scooter does not scoot now. It is quite a run that he does. The funny thing is when he is down, he takes every step you do. If you sit he sits. It is like a game of Simon Says (not American Idol, the old school game).

I had a really small water bowl for him and that was always getting overturned, etc. So I thought I would put in a larger one. I have heard that baby ducks not raised with their mama's should not get wet. They get the oils they need for waterproofing from her. So no baths for Scooter...or so I thought. The bigger bowl apparently screamed swimming pool. He can hop in and out like it was nothing. He splashed water everywhere. Hmmm...(rethinking this whole keeping the duck inside thing).
The first pic was still his first night of life. I just could not help but think of the M&M logo, "Melts in mouth not in your hands." That is sick. I could never eat an animal with a name, certainly not with a face. Last night we got in from the barn really late. We nuked some frozen chicken patties and made instant potatoes. Dinner in a flash. We topped it off with the left over jello mold from the other night. Anyway, in the process of preparing (you see how random my thoughts are and how quickly they can go in any direction...imagine what it must be like to be me) this wonderful meal, I dropped the chicken patties. I was just thankful it did not hit Scooter. Could you imagine the headlines...Duckling Killed By Falling Frozen Chicken? It was no where close to him and no where close to where he walks to my delight. It quickly became a place that he goes because the crumbs on the floor looked very appetizing (chicken patties removed). He really liked the crumbs though. He is one sick bird. He does not even know that was a cousin.
Tonight is a big night after Church. It is 31 cent scoop night at Baskin Robbins. You can purchase up t o 10 per customer. We are taking the youth to the mall and pigging out (I guess I am all about the animals these days). This is a nationwide thing. So if you read this (as if anyone does) and have a BR store nearby, 5-10 is discounted scoops. It goes to a good cause as well. I am supposed to getting Tabithia something for breakfast. We are grocery-less at home. Gotta go before I am sleeping in the duck box.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Okay, I have been doing some serious posting here lately. I just wanted to bring everyone up to date on the previous posts. No name duck is thriving like a weed. She fits right in with the others. Scooter's condition is much improved and he has been upgraded for critical condition. He is really doing fine. Does anyone know a trick for removing duck excrement from carpeting. I had (or shall I say Scooter had) one tiny accident while I was making arrangements to care for him. The bunny sadly wen to sleep forever. Poor thing. I tried though. It is after 3 am at the time of this post and it is time for me to eat while the rest of you sleep on. A little folding of the hands...Anyway, I gots to go!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mission of Mercy...

I know the title sounds like the evangelistic work that I am supposed to be doing. I am. Okay, anyway. This refers to my day yesterday. I rose early to beat the rain and get my garden planted. I pretty much succeeded in that. I got a little wet but not bad. There are now some 51 tomato plants of 5 different varieties in addition to peppers, green beans, peas, radishes, okra, pumpkins, eggplants, squash, zucchini and cucumbers. I might just be quite the farmer this year if I can avoid cultivating grass, which is what I tend to grow best in the garden. Once I finished I went to see the baby duck which is after this post. I looked and saw a tiny near lifeless baby duck in the nesting house. I rushed in braving the protective feathered assassin and quickly clutched the tiny, freshly cracked infant barley cling to life. We rushed to the pet emergency care clinic (or our bathroom) and began to bring the baby's body temperature up (with a hair dryer). After a couple of hours of toiling with the weak animal, finally it began to come out of it. It may not be 100% yet. It does not really act right. I may have interrupted nature's way of preserving the strongest. Nonetheless I rescued Scooter (he is quiet). I think he may have been pecked a little. So it might take a little bit to nurse him back to health. He is on his way though. He does eat and drink on his own. If he makes it through the next couple of days, he should be able to come out of ICU (our kitchen) and return to the duck pen. He is not the least bit afraid of us.

That was not the only act of mercy performed to the animal kingdom by yours truly. I was preparing dinner last night. I wanted to attend the revival at Harrisburg with our General Overseer but I had heard a rumor that Bro Smith might not be able to attend. Since I was not sure I decided to cook the turkey that has been perched in my freezer. No, that was not the charitable act. I had to run to Pocahontas (where I learned that Bro and Sis Smith were in fact here) and then home for a whirlwind of preparation. I did not have all the ingredients for dinner. I rushed to Wal-Mart and back. Around 4:30 everything was well underway for a 7 pm meeting. I barley made it. I think I might have been a few minutes over. During all of this chaos, I heard what sounded like a puppy crying in my half open garage. I went to look a little excited at what I might find. I looked and there was the cat, Mushu. He was eyeballing something large. I looked and it was a baby rabbit of about 6-8 inches long. Not teeny tiny. I took it away from him and placed it on the front porch to monitor it. I was unsure if it would make it or not. I think I interfered again because it seems to have a back injury. I am just not a knock-it-in-the-head kind of guy. I think it will get better. I have place the bunny in with the ducks. He does seem to be on the mend. I just don't know how much mending is possible. I am monitoring it closely. As long as he stays away from the eggs and babies he should be fine. Dinner was served shortly after seven, deep fried turkey, deviled potatoes, asparagus, rasberry applesauce jello mold, pineapple cream layered angel food cake, mashed potatoes, tomato/cucumber salad and rolls. I think that was it. I am big on list in this post. It was a busy, productive day. I have another list I am working on for tomorrow after work. But for today-- nothing. I hope to be able to attend the revival tonight. I have babies to tend! What am I doing on here!

Drumroll please...Ta Da-uck...

This is the duckling that hatched Monday, I think. We managed to steal it away from its very upset and very aggressive mother. I thought she was going to eat me live. It was so loud. Don't mess with a mama duck! We actually just borrowed him for a little while. A poultry expert informed us that she would be fine with the adult quackers. "How do I know it is a she?" you ask. It is quite simple. A human female gathering is often referred to as a "hen party." This is due to the loud and often obnoxious sounds that are emitted from the gaggle. Young female ducks can be identified by the amount of noise they make. Male hatchlings are quiet(er). My how nature imitates civilization. Ha...ha...ha...ha! I had to let everyone know just how much I laugh as I type this. This little girl has no name as of yet. I am open to suggestions. Quack now or forever hold your peace.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I love little baby ducks...Old pick up trucks...Not so much...

I had some time off this last weekend finishing up my vacation time before it runs out. Of course Tabithia wants to clean up the farm every chance we get. This small piece of land contains years of accumulation of her grandfather. He still operates his horse...uh...well...He just has some horses back there. Sometimes as many as ten. I think we are a little below that now. It is amazing there is room for that many horses with all of that junk. We have burned termite colonies that were once stacks of boards. We have loaded trailers with heaps of metal to be recycled and I think raised over $1000 for whatever cause it is going for. I think it is cause he needs some money. That brings me to my title. There are old truck beds and one complete smashed in old truck. Why? Why do old(er) people find the need to head up, hoard up mountains of worthless stuff? I know one man's trash is another's treasure. I see no value in much of this. I do not like these old pick up trucks and don't know how we will ever get them loaded and gone.

As for the little baby duck, I have one. After years of having ducks, finally one hatched a baby. It is the cutest little thing. Mama duck is protective, too. She has been less than friendly to me. She never heard that old adage about biting the hand that feeds you. She is guarding it very well. We had another one over the weekend that did not make it. This one is very healthy looking and does well with the others, too. I am so proud and I took the best picture of it yesterday. I will have to post that some other time. You will love it also. I also forgot my jump drive with Puerto Rico pics. That will have to wait as well. Today you just get me. Isn't that enough?
That is really all I have at this time. I can remember saying that when I started preaching and have heard others say it. That is all I have. Usually that was when it was so short that you would not believe it was over. No, really, that is it. That's funny. I had not thought about that in a while. I never do that anymore. I think they said my message itself was only 20 minutes Sunday. Tabithia, who accuses me of longwindedness, said it was just right. I was just so sick. Really I was done though and then we formed a prayer line in which the whole congregation passed through. There were more people there than it seemed. The line just kept coming. Prayer lines are really a lot of work. I learned that at the General Assembly. My voice is usually always gone by the time we are half way. Good times! I would rather loose my voice in Church (some people would not understand that at all) than at a football game. I don't even understand football. Am I un-American? I grew up a small school where we did not have football. We consolidated to a school that had it but the interest was never there.
The merry rambler has said too much. I gotta go!

Friday, April 18, 2008

A Little PR...

Notice anything strange?

No Prejudice...

One thing I truly loved about Puerto Rico was something that was said by a tour guide. According to Mr. Sunshine (Sunshine Tours--he really had that type personality very positive. he was quite the tree-hugger though, very new age--paints with all the colors of the wind sort of thing--back to the story) there is no prejudice in Puerto Rico. One of the most degrading and divisive practices of society to me is prejudice. I cannot hate on the basis of color or culture or for an other reason. How can there be a Great Speckled Bird if there were no different tones of people? I heard someone try to blame our nation's problems on the influx of different nationalities. Last time I looked in the mirror I was clearly a cracker, not Native American. So I am, and so was the other person, a transplant. We came in on a boat! Maybe I just have wild melting pot ideas. I can see the All Nations Flag proudly waving in all parts of the world regardless of skin color.
Aside from talking to the trees, Mr. Sunshine had it right and so does Puerto Rico. Really I saw no hint of prejudice while there. There are Spanish, English, Spanglish, black, white, Hispanic and some all combined in one. It is such mixture that it is nearly impossible to separate one from the other. As for the talking to trees...I do feel like you can venture out into God's creation and revel in the beauty of it and worship the Mastermind behind it all. I also feel it does deserve respect. One must be careful treading through the Garden of God. We were sent to dress and keep. What an easy task that was preAdamic curse--no weeds! The diverse flora and fawna from one location to the next amazes me. Our imagination could not have contrived such complexity. His ways and thoughts are truly higher than ours. While I respect nature, I would rather hug people than trees.
Is this not the most different post I have ever come up with? Maybe it is the result of spring being in full bloom or maybe the fact that my garden is broken and near ready for planting. I don't know. I do love creation, but I love the Creator even more.
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well" Psalm 139:14

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here's One More...

Where Have I Been?

It has been forever since my last post. I have never even gotten my pics from vacation up. We had a wonderful time in sunny Puerto Rico. I guess I should say mostly sunny, because it rained like crazy on us the last day. That was cool though, we had done all that we had set out to do. It was not as user friendly as Hawaii. It was very unique and you had the feeling that it was absolutely ancient. I have post a few pics to kind of let you see what it was like. Yes, Sis Tammi, I love US territories. Tabithia and I are considering passports for Christmas.
In Puerto Rico we hiked a rainforest, we sailed out to an off shore island on a catamaran (can you say seasick?) and we toured Old San Juan. In Old San Juan we went in and explored over 400 year old forts that American ships bombarded in conquest of the island. I mentioned that PR was not very user friendly. One thind about it thou, it was very hands on. There were no restrictions in the forts, you could go where you wanted, even in the guard lookouts that over hang the walls. It was the same in the rainforest. You could get off the path in the stream. People swim in the falls. I was able to get some very good pictures (over 700) We walked and were so active. We are in very good shape. Or we were.
It was very beautiful and comparable to the cost of living where I live. I think we need a PR mission church. I don't speak Spanish. What a shame. I am about out of time and will tell more later!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finally, after two days of trying to post a picture...wahoo!!!! I did it. Now, all of this to say that I am going to be gone for a few days starting Sunday. If the picture does not say it, we are going to Puerto Rico!!!!!!! I think it will be amazing!!!! Can't wait! Feel free to post your envious comments. Just remember that jealosy is as cruel as the grave.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I Remember Dark Calvary...

May God bless each of you
as we reverently celebrate and worship
our Saviour and His life changing sacrifice.
The horror of those last hours grips our hearts with pain,
yet the glory of His resurrection dispels the gloom
of not only the events of those days but also our own dark hours.
At times when there seems to be no hope,
He is our HOPE.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

One Sick Puppy...

Cabin fever has finally broken! I have been out in the yard with the yet cool, moist soil filtering through (and mainly sticking to) my hands. My black lagoon of a pond I started last year is now shaping up. I about have it figured out and cleaned out of the fishy smelling, water-logged leaves. I was elbow deep and did not care. Augh, life is good again. Spring is such a wonderful time. Our trees are preparing for a vivid show that is just at curtain time. Winter is nice in its own way but I like the others much more. We seldom get snow here so it is just a cold, windy, barren time of year that leaves you under house arrest.

Last weekend was the exception to that. It snowed and snowed all day long on Friday. It was one of those windy, driving snows that you can't really get god pictures of during the storm. I had to work that night so by the time I got off the next day there were limited good photo ops. I managed to get a few. Sorry, I don't have them on me now. I will try to post some later.
I have a busy couple of weeks here with our Easter activities. I have some much work to be doing. Not to mention the yard beckons. I hope to get a garden in the ground this year. I bought a couple of those little green houses from Wal-Mart which have been a good start to my tomatoes and peppers among other things.
Now, as for sick a puppy. My little 82 pound yellow lad, Carlie Noel, has not been feeling well for a little while. She would have days where she was better then days where she was worse. I have put off taking her to the vet hoping she would get better. I thought of putting her on the international prayer list. Well, I loader her up to go. This was no easy process in itself. She, when she suspects trouble, will lay flat to the ground and go completely limp making it impossible to raise her slightly overweight body from the ground. I finally got her picked up and carried her to the car. She road in the front seat like a very good girl. She was scared. Once there she would not get out either. I had to carry her in. Once there her blood test revealed she has heart worms. Her x-rays revealed she has an enlarged heart. Poor girl. Right now she is on some meds to clear her lungs and make her feel better. Treatment will follow. I don't know if Carlie believes in divine healing so I need everyone believing with me. She really does not feel well and is not her normal obnoxious self.
That is about it for now. I am waiting on the travel agent to get my information to me. Lord willing, we are going to Puerto Rico!!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Snow and Sixty Degrees...

Those two hardly seem to go together, but here in Arkansas that is clearly the case. I have always heard about the Natural State, "If you don't like the weather, don't worry it will change." And change it does. The weekend was glorious, a little windy, but for early March, it was great! I worked of course and went home to sleep. How absurd. I slept through the best weather of the year. i just told myself there would be more. The winds of change blew and blew until cold front passed through on Monday night. What should happen on Tuesday...you guessed it...SNOW. I use that term very liberally. We call the small dusting we received snow. The frost on the ground this morning was more impressive.
Have I just become the blogger meteorologist or what? Have I gotten so old that all I talk of is the weather? I will explain that in one phrase...CABIN FEVER!!!!! I have it so bad. I am ready to return to the yard for therapy. There is something about sinking your hands into the earth. In the quiet moments of yard labors are found peace, meditation and poison ivy. Oh...wait that doesn't belong! It really is peaceful, tranquil. I think on so many things. It is taking Gods creation and showcasing it in a way that brings Him glory. This year, Lord willing, it is supplementing the supper table. I am so excited and cannot wait. I have things growing at my backdoor already. But I cannot do anything because it is too cold!!!!!
Am I the only one with this problem? AUGH!!!!!! Today the temperature is back in the 50's. So we rebound very quickly until we have another chance for snow this weekend. Eventually the epic battle between warm and cold will end and it will be so humid we can barely stand it. I can't wait!
That is your weather report (or rather mine). The SON always shines here though!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Has It Been a Week Already...

My how time passes so quickly. Life seems to go at such a hurried pace. Nonessential time grabbers get kicked to the curb. I dare say that it will not be blogging. This is therapy. I am in some need of therapy right now. Yesterday was the big day at the orthodontist student's office. I have a mouth full of metal. Well, not quite full as we have not started my lower teeth yet. That will truly be a fun day. I laid back for well over an hour as I was fitted for this beautiful piece of art in my mouth. Really it does not hurt, too bad. The spacers that were in were far worse. This morning I do feel the tension of all of it. Enough whining...what else do I have to talk about.

I had a very old lady making passes at me last night. All of this while I was starting her iv. I reminded her of that. I have seen many dirty old men but very few dirty old women. She had mentioned being healed at Church before mixed in with many innuendos. What kind of water was in that well (sweet, bitter)? She was truly a mess. She told me she wanted to die laughing. I was okay with that idea for her just not while she was on my table. I have had another patient tell me before, "You must be that hot Xray tech I am supposed to get a phone number from for my sister." I was completely dumbfounded. No one had ever asked for my number before. In the health care industry you see all kinds and never quite know what to expect. I have been accused of trying to kill people, I have been accused of shrinking a patient's head. I have been verbally abused. Mostly, though, I have had many opportunities to be a blessing and to be blessed. I have prayed with some. I have hugged and been hugged. There just never seems to be a dull moment.

I have returned patients to the ER with tazer drawing police in front and behind. I have been scanning one moment and initiating CPR the next. I have had to clean up nearly every kind of mess a human can make. Other times I have felt so personally involved that one would think my family was on the table. I have worked in sterile fields elbow to elbow with radiologists and scanned under the watchful eye of surgeons. I have come a long way from the chicken I was when I started.
Is this a commercial for me or what? Hey, it is my blog and I can ramble as I please. I am about rambled out. Blah!
I do like this media for communicating, though. It is the one place I can come and not have a lisp. I discovered last night that I can't whistle. I can make some noise but no tune is appreciable. Some don't appreciate a whistled tune anyway. I was good though. Perhaps in two years if I have not forgotten how. Perhaps.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nearly Spring...

Aaaawww! It is just nearly springtime here, although today's artic blast would disprove that statement. It is very cold and windy. We actually had a freezing rain advisory earlier. It never materialized here. yesterday I went to Memphis to the orthodonist. Wait, let me clarify that statement. It was actually the orthodonist student. I have been accepted as a test patient for a nice fee in the University of Tennessee School of Orthodontics. For the next two years I will be undergoing severe torture to align my teeth. the main reason for my participation is my retained primary tooth. I still have a baby tooth. My dentist told me that is is likely that is would fall out someday...funny to me it has made it 31 years+. Anyway, my permanent tooth is in the gums still. The plan is to wire me up align my teeth, correct my bite and yes pull this tooth down into place with a gold chain. Of all colors for this chain to be it is a gold chain. I will have bling, gold for ornament in my mouth. This should be interesting.

What I feel is more interesting is the fact that students will be in my mouth doing all kinds of stuff...students. I either have such a high level of faith or stupidity. I am really not sure which. I just keep telling myself that I am someone's grade and they will pay close attention to detail. It is either pass or fail. But really whether they make an A or a C they are a doctor just the same. I hope my student is a straight A. We get assigned an intern/resident whatever they are called. I go back next week and start getting my brackets. I have spacers in right now that I think are spliting my teeth wide open. I am such a baby, I know. I am really too old for this.

The real problem is going to be the fact that they are going to pull my retained primary canine tooth. I will be a snaggle tooth for a while. I don't know what I will do about that. Oh me! I am not vain but I am becoming less and less through this experience. Humility...what a hard lesson to pick up sometimes.
I guess this experience does give me something to blog about. Perhaps I should post pics of my progress. Hmmm! Time will tell...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lost and Found

Okay. I interpretted the lack of comments posted that I could skip a post during my busy time. I do apologize. It has been very crazy, somehow. Looking back I don't see it, but heading through the storm it was evident. last Tuesday was Tabithia's birthday. She says it is 25 but I have to differ on that. Anyway. We went to Memphis for her accupuncture appointment, did a few other things while there then we headed home, almost. We went straight on to Jonesboro to the Dillard's clearance outlet then the mall. By the time we got home, Memphis had been hit by a bad storm with tornadoes and the like. Then we were in the middle of the storms ourselves.
This seems a bit too informational. It has just been crazy around here. District convention was this past weekend. I went to Pocahontas right after work for that. It went very well I think. Conventions get hard since I changed schedules. I kind of have to be choosy about what I attend or take vacation. I am not as young as I used to be (while I am not as old as others I know *snickers*). I just don't rebound from sleeplessness as well. I changed my work schedule to weekends so that I could conduct revivals. The only service I have to miss now is SS. I make it to everything else. I am still informational. DULL!!!
This is why I haven't posted. I am boring. Very boring! Blah!!!!! Blah!!!! Blah!!!!!
Okay, lost and found time...Mushu, the sweet and sour putty tat is at it again. The other day I was holding him next to my face and he gently wrapped his paws around me to return the love. Then he grabbed both sides of my face like a field mouse. Oh, but the attack was not over yet. he then proceeded to open those vicious fangs wide and closed in on the left cheek. I was just like, "Not the face!! Not the face!!" That was when I came to my senses. It all happened so fast. I threw him to the floor and got myself clear. Well, that was pretty well all of that. That just lets you know a little about his demeanor. He is at times very sweet and at others without warning, very sour. Saturday when I came home from the convention, I went straight to bed. Tabithia worked until 8:30pm. Everyone is getting their tax refunds so they are all going crazy getting their hair "did." Mushu ran out of the garage when she pulled in. He was not home when I left that night, the next afternoon after Church, the next night when we came home from Church, the next morning, then after 48 hours missing, he shows back up, dirty and I think with some scratches here and there. Stinking tomcat! I was very glad to see the little sweet and sour booger. He was home at last. Last night I took him in the house and was petting on him until he had the flattus issue. Augh!!! It was so bad. That cat!!!! He is good though!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

60 mph Plus...

On Tuesday we had 60 mph plus straight-line winds sweeping across our area that toppled utility poles, tossed big trucks line mere toys and snapped large trees like twigs. At my house the only damage was a few things blown around. Oh, yeah, the basketball goal was blown on top of a small fence. Very minor damage, thank God. Other had roof damage and trees on homes. We went out to eat while a friend of ours was in surgery. It was over 60 degrees. When we left the restaraunt it was cold.
I was thinking that is just how life comes out you. It comes roaring at over 60 mph and is subject to change at any time. Last week I was sick and could not wait to be off after Monday. Not so. I was awakened on Tueday by the hospital. One of our tech's father had a heart attack. She was off Tuesday and Wednesday. I worked both of those. Then on Thursday I attended the funeral of my childhood friend and cousin, Angela. She was only 31 with a 1 year old baby. Here one moment and gone the next. It is so sad. Friday I had to go to the orthodonist in Memphis and then back to work again that night. I don't remember the week before. I just know having the day off yesterday was wonderful. It felt good to get out of the rat race for just a little bit. I had a much slower pace yesterday. No 60 mph plus for me.
I don't plan on that today either but that can all change with little notice. We are under a winter weather advisory but I really thin we got cheated as there are only puddles outside today. I had hoped to get up this morning and photo a blizzard. I have some pictures I would like to post. perhaps tomorrow. If not then maybe next week.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday already...

Most people love to see Friday come rolling around. Hmmm...I guess I have to view it a little differently. Friday is the first day of my work week which consists mainly of only three days. I really don't go to work until 10:30 tonight. So I just barely even work Friday, but I have to dread it all day. I don't dislike my job. It is a really good job. The Xray program produces around 40 new techs each year and the number of available positions is very limited. So I am very blessed to have a job at all. Especially one where I am full-time and still only work three days. But I would still rather be home!
Enough of that boring stuff. Let me move on to other boring things. My poor dog has been under the weather for the last little while. I forced some medicine down her throat (she does not believe in divine healing). Actually I never had to force her. She swallows her food whole as well as anything else that she might think tastes good. She is on the mend though. Usually she is very energetic and quite annoying. For days she was lethargic and otherwise sick. But, thank God, she is just about annoying again. She is very pretty but not much going on upstairs.
In other news, our Children's Church is going west! Yes, in search of straight and narrow pass. It is absolutely wild (west). It is the great adventure (Stephen Curtis Chapman). I plan to use this theme for a while if all goes well. Ye haw! I will let you know how that goes. The biggest challenge has been getting the time to go set up a wild west adventure classroom. There are just not enough hours in the day. I wonder if Wal-Mart sells spare time. That would be great. I probably could not afford it, though. I am going o go down there in a minute.
I am so boring today. I really am. When you have a day like this you should just post pictures!

Blog Archive

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!