Friday, June 29, 2007

Why Stop When You Are On A Roll...

Yeah! I don't know how many posts I have had this week. I go to work tonight and start my busy weekend hours. So, I know this will be the last post for a few days. I have been working on a sidewalk in the back yard. It does not take long to realize it is hot out there. Whew! It is such a scorcher. I planted 5 new rose bushes this past week. Wal-Mart had them on sale for $3. I love when they do that. They start marking down their shrubs and things because they know they are just going to kill them. They kill a bunch of stuff. It is sickening. Sometimes I think if they would just give that to someone it would be better.They are some plant murderers. I got a lot of stuff from the yard around this time when they start cutting prices back.
(I can't get this stupid thing to put a space in here not matter how hard I try.)
On a different note we have booked our vacation this year for Hawaii!!!!!! Aloha! We will take on on September 24 and be back on the 1st. I really want to go see the Dole Plantation. They grow pineapples there. They give tours, have a gift shop. Awesome. I also want to go on some hikes. They say there are 11 different climates within the islands. I have never stepped foot in the ocean, so that will be a new experience. Our room is right on the beach. I am the type that I take ziplock bags and bring back sand and crazy stuff like that. I suppose it is cheap. We are starting to develop our itinerary. This year is our 10 year anniversary. We might just get remarried out there. Who knows.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Here's the Baby Birdies

Here is one of the pictures I took. Sorry hey are not better but I was risking my life to get them. I have a close up but I could not get this sorry internet service to cooperate for some reason.

Yesterday I put a flea collar on Mushu. He did not really resist. It went pretty well. Later he was in the garage with his tongue hanging out, panting. I thought at first it was just really hot. Then he started to fall over. Even over his food he could scarcely keep his head raised. It just kept dropping down. I panicked. "What if the collar is too tight?" I thought. I checked it and it was fine. Again later he started falling over on the garage floor. I panicked again. That cat was trying to convince me to take that thing off of him. Made me feel sorry for him again. Sympathy returns. Animals can have their own unique sometimes challenging personalities. They are so funny. Really he was not bluffing, we are under some hot conditions right now. he played outside and was hot, worn out. Bless his little heart.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The End of Sympathy

No, I am not becoming hardened. I have a very good reason for that title. Mushu, the precious cat that he is, who coincidentally is spending much more time outdoors lately, has been fighting all week long with two mocking birds. that just happens to be our state bird for those trivia lovers out there. Anyway, I have pitied that poor innocent because it seemed that he was minding his own business and was repeated, viciously attack from above. It all started last week when he was in my white pine tree. It is a very good tree for him to play in. Well, I decided to inspect a little more closely. Sure enough there was a nest in there with three so ugly they were hatchlings in there. Suddenly I did not feel so sorry for the menacing cat anymore. He was threatening these poor birds babies. That just was not right. What do I do but run after my camera. I come flying back in there and just start to snap a picture when there is a swoosh and a high pitch shrill sound coming to join me in the small tree. I jump back having seen my brother attacked by blue jays one time. It was hilarious from a distance and another story altogether. But to be the spectacle and not the spectator is no fun at all. I got myself out of there like lightning. Mushu was not that quick. I really think he was the reason for the swoosh. They go after him even in the front yard. They did not forget his looks. Another cat vs. bird battle ensued. This time I was rooting for the birds. I actually was able to sneak back in later and get a couple of better pictures. I will try to get them from my camera and get them on here maybe tomorrow morning, stressing the maybe.
Threre is another post. Y'all never saw that coming did you?

Here I Go Again

Today is more of a struggle. I just have nothing to blog about. Now that does not mean that you can stop reading now because somewhere in this rambling I might actually communicate some deep thought(more likely some deep something else). For some reason I cannot R-L justify this and that really bothers me. Aren't nerves strange things. The stuff that bothers one may not bother another at all. I suppose that is precisely why we should not be easily offended. On the other hand there is the carefulness with which we must walk so as not to offend. Paul spoke of meats and legality saying it was fine to eat what you want, but not to offend your brother in the process. If it causes a problem with someone, although it shouldn't, don't do it. Yes, I paraphrased all of that, but I did not have to tell you that. You bloggers are smart, wordy people. You know that sort of thing. So why don't we just tell those people that nit-pick not to be offended? Because it would do no good. They can't help it. So if my unjustified lines is a bother to you as it is to me. I am sorry. I can't fix it at this moment. If it is a serious enough offence, then I can delete this post all together. If it were not for technical problems I would have no blog topic for today.

I will be the last to tell you although I may think it several time, to get over it. Really there are things that peole do that get to me. I am very OCD over folding towels. It has got to be perfect or I will redo it. Why? You dry off with a towel one time and throw it back in the hamper. How do we pick the things we are crazy about? We don't. That is just what our sick minds latch onto. At work, I am not relaxed until i have turned down all the lights and stocked the rooms with supplies. I can't be at ease until that is done. When things are just like I like them, *augh* it is a sigh of relief. When are things truly just like we like them? Yes this is rambling in a way, but i am trying to better understans the human psyche. My own perhaps. Does anyone else have some crazy tendencies?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Loading new pic for profile

I'm Ba-ack!

Wow! I am just getting so good at this blogging thing again. It seems as though no one is checking though. I know there are lurkers are there. You know who you are. Anyway, I had a very nice weekend at work. Church services were good as well. Went to the dentist yesterday. I have not been since 2003. My insurance had ceased to exist at that time and I was a lowly poor student. Tabithia and i have an unofficial contest. I call it the cavity contest. It all began one year she went to the dentist a few days before me. She had maybe 2 cavities. I gave her such a hard time, called her rot-mouth. It was great fun. Then my turn came and I had 4. I could not even show my face at home. It was terrible. That is why it is more unofficial now. If you don't say muc about it then when you loose you are the only one that knows. Have you ever raced someone whether in a car or doing some task and you never told the other person that a contest was underway? Well, that is the sort of thing that goes on at the dentist. t was looking good for me yesterday. They worked so hard to find something and would not give up until they did. Finally they proclaimed one cavity. After 4 years of not dentistry and very little flossing, I just despise flossing, 1 measly cavity. I thought that was pretty good. Tabithia was still waiting on the Dr and she had 2 questionable places. He came in and confirmed that she in fact had--NO CAVITIES! I was crushed. It is terrible to wsh misfortune or bad health on someone, but I sure wanted to win. They all knew it, too. They gave her a fancy-smancy certificate, "Great Smile." How cruel to rub in my misfortune! Now I have to go back and undergo the drill. Augh!!! I hate that thing. It was our first time at this office. They were all very nice even if they did have to wirk so hard to find something to bill me for later. Okay I am a sore loser even in an unproclaimed contest.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sadly, I forgot my camera on the last night so I have to show some from previous nights. One picture is what i think most of the kids looked forward to...SNACKS. The other one is Perciful (purse-full) Perch who coughed up the dough for Peter to pay His and Jesus' taxes. I don't know it that picture shows that Perciful is a modified handbag. I tried so hard to get a picture of Blubbergut the whale on there but it just won't upload for some reason. Last night we had 22 children present. Cap'n Hijack became Cap'n Hygene. His old black heart was clean and white for the final presentation. His old shaggy hair was gone and even his pet slug, Slimey, came home. God really made a change in ole Cap'n Hijack. It was a very fun and different experience. I have never ministered blind before. We could not see the crowd much of the time. Very odd. The kids all enjoyed it. We got the nicest card. I did not look at it until today, but everyone signed it even the kids. It was very special.

I'm back on land today and have much to do. I have to catch up. Here I sit blogging. Oh, well! I did not want to let you all down. I will not be back here until probably Tuesday morning. Those of you going to family camp, may God bless you all.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Going Deep...

I have had a little trouble getting these pics up. I think it is this connection. The fish you see tell the story. The pirate, Cap'n Hijack and the mermaid of Mermaid Cleaning Service, Carrrie Underwater (who coincidentally sings Jesus take the fin) start the night off. Carrie takes Cap'n Hijack under for a life changing experience. Tey Go Deep and learn from the Fish's Tail or Tale. Anyway. The fish are Finley and Angel. The little one at the top is Pee Wee who is the resident comedian. We have cover thems such as Jonah and Blubbergut (who knew the whale had a name) and Peter and Perciful (Purse-full) Perch. I will try to get some pics up on those supporting actors. It has been great. The boy pictured with Cap'n Hijack is Kyle. He was in my class at church camp last year. Tonight is the last night. We started with 12 kids and last night had 29. They go from service to snack to craft. They seem to really be enjoing it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Crusade Is Underwater, I Mean Underway...

Yes, It has begun. Let me just thank God first. I scrambled all day to get things done. The props were not all together, or shall I say not at all. So I got up (later than I had planned) and hopped too it. I had to build a pirate ship and finish the backdrops and make a whale and paint the sharks fin and put all the props together and and and and and...There was just enough time to get all of that finished and make it to Wlanut Ridge early enough to et all of the stuff in place and ready to go. Above are some pictures of the miraculous finish. The characters are Cap'n Hijack and Carrie Underwater.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Better Day...

Yesterday was such a better Heritage Day than last year. I can remember last year that we were all anxiously awaiting word from the Presbytery Meeting. We were waiting for that poof of smoke to appear over the building. Although not much was mentioned about it at Church, I thought on it all day long. I thought of how it must have been to climbed the mountain that day seeking God and finally finding the Church. I thought of how it felt when I realized what I was a part of. I kind of just showed up and worked my way in. I waited for God to reveal to me that I should take the covenant. I have never wanted to take that covenant lightly. I do no want to be a mediocre member. Sometimes I fell like the pre-Pentecostal Peter. He was sucha problem child. He did overcome that to be a wonderful leader and man of God. Just his shadow passing upon the lame left them changed forever.
It was such a better day. Such a change for the better. It is wonderful to be free from that oppression. I hope you all had a better day as well. (Mark me down...2 days in a row!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Where to begin...

I must post, must post. I know that I have not been so good at this latley and it makes all of you flee from the same old post that has been there for a week. I am sorry. It has been crazy. My new work schedule is from Friday 11 pm to Saturday 11am, then Saturday 10 pm to Sunday 10 am. Then back Monday at 3-11pm. This way I just work 3 days and am of four. The was i was workig before excluded me from any revival we held at our local Church or I was asked to do. It has freed m up. The first call i get is for the Kid's Crusade next week. it should be interesting. I have that Disney song, Under the Sea stuck in my head. Make it stop!!!!!! So The weekends are pretty busy. Last weekend I worked a little extra so out of 48 hours I worked around 32 of them counting Children's Church and Sunday evening service.

The cat is still a menace. He cannot be left unattended or he will get into everything. Have any of you other cat owners had this problem. He is into everything from the curtains to the potted plants. Not to mention everything in between. That is the absolutely sneakiest cat I've ever seen. You can loose him and the next thing you know out of no where a miniature version of a lion is flying at you to attack.

Speaking of attack let me tell you about yesterday. My wife's grandfather has a small farm behind our house. It is a good distance down the road, thank God. It is the junkiest eyesore you have nearly ever seen. The landfill has nothing on him. Well, there are duck, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, horses and RATS!!!!!! yes, RATS!!!!!! They are nearly the sive of the cats. Well, we had heard about this the day before when Tabithia's cousin put a water hose in a hole to flood them out. He said that there had to have been at least 20 that came out of the hole across his boot and everywhere. Well, we went to Tractor Supply and bout $30 worth of poison and bombs. Bombs like sticks of dynamite that you like and drop in the hole. There was not explosion which is good since they are in the pump house. Well, we ignited these carbon monoxide gas bowms and got back. The adventure began. Tabithia, Darek, her cousin, and I chased rats for hours. We were so blood thirsty. I am sure we looked like the angry villagers storming Frankenstein's castle. We weilded rakes, hoes, sticks. We flipped over nearly everything there was to flip over. It was a disater area after we were done for sure. I could not tell you how many of those filthy rodents we saw. It was deplorable. About 6 of them are no longer running around done there. That was not even a dent in the population. There were screams, shouts, dogs going crazy. The cats just laid back and watched the show. What good were they. Of course the rats were bigger than them. This is what rednecks do for entertainment. I could not imagine if those things came to the house for the winter. EEEEEKKKKKK!!!! Perhaps the poison will finish the job. Now if any of you pity the poor rats, I can box some up and ship them to your address. I would have to toch them first, though and I don't plan on that. We spent time cleaning up some of the junk. We burned an enormous pile of debris and threatened the junk master that we will be back to finish the job. NASTY!!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Getting Back Into the Habit

I am tryin gto get back to blogging again. I really am, so all of you can get back to reading it again or it is otherwise pointless. It is hard to believe that this is Thrursday already. I will soon be returning to work for a 3 day run. It really is a run while it is on. But then 4 days off. Tis nice. I have got to get ready for a Kid's Crusade coming up. I don't know how i got mixed up in that. It is "Going Deep" The "Tails" of 2 Fish. We are alking about down under happenings such as Jonah, Money from a fishes mouth and Peter walking on water from a bit different perspective. All of these stories will demonstrate that God knows where we are what we need and where the what we need is. He cares for even the smallest details of our lives such as taxes. Hopefully two fish will be able to convince kids of that. Everynight we will close with the removal of sins cast into the sea. It should all be very interesting.

So much work to be down between now and then. So if I am not that faithful in the next couple weeks, forgive me. Gotta go! Work to be done.

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!