Friday, April 25, 2008

Mission of Mercy...

I know the title sounds like the evangelistic work that I am supposed to be doing. I am. Okay, anyway. This refers to my day yesterday. I rose early to beat the rain and get my garden planted. I pretty much succeeded in that. I got a little wet but not bad. There are now some 51 tomato plants of 5 different varieties in addition to peppers, green beans, peas, radishes, okra, pumpkins, eggplants, squash, zucchini and cucumbers. I might just be quite the farmer this year if I can avoid cultivating grass, which is what I tend to grow best in the garden. Once I finished I went to see the baby duck which is after this post. I looked and saw a tiny near lifeless baby duck in the nesting house. I rushed in braving the protective feathered assassin and quickly clutched the tiny, freshly cracked infant barley cling to life. We rushed to the pet emergency care clinic (or our bathroom) and began to bring the baby's body temperature up (with a hair dryer). After a couple of hours of toiling with the weak animal, finally it began to come out of it. It may not be 100% yet. It does not really act right. I may have interrupted nature's way of preserving the strongest. Nonetheless I rescued Scooter (he is quiet). I think he may have been pecked a little. So it might take a little bit to nurse him back to health. He is on his way though. He does eat and drink on his own. If he makes it through the next couple of days, he should be able to come out of ICU (our kitchen) and return to the duck pen. He is not the least bit afraid of us.

That was not the only act of mercy performed to the animal kingdom by yours truly. I was preparing dinner last night. I wanted to attend the revival at Harrisburg with our General Overseer but I had heard a rumor that Bro Smith might not be able to attend. Since I was not sure I decided to cook the turkey that has been perched in my freezer. No, that was not the charitable act. I had to run to Pocahontas (where I learned that Bro and Sis Smith were in fact here) and then home for a whirlwind of preparation. I did not have all the ingredients for dinner. I rushed to Wal-Mart and back. Around 4:30 everything was well underway for a 7 pm meeting. I barley made it. I think I might have been a few minutes over. During all of this chaos, I heard what sounded like a puppy crying in my half open garage. I went to look a little excited at what I might find. I looked and there was the cat, Mushu. He was eyeballing something large. I looked and it was a baby rabbit of about 6-8 inches long. Not teeny tiny. I took it away from him and placed it on the front porch to monitor it. I was unsure if it would make it or not. I think I interfered again because it seems to have a back injury. I am just not a knock-it-in-the-head kind of guy. I think it will get better. I have place the bunny in with the ducks. He does seem to be on the mend. I just don't know how much mending is possible. I am monitoring it closely. As long as he stays away from the eggs and babies he should be fine. Dinner was served shortly after seven, deep fried turkey, deviled potatoes, asparagus, rasberry applesauce jello mold, pineapple cream layered angel food cake, mashed potatoes, tomato/cucumber salad and rolls. I think that was it. I am big on list in this post. It was a busy, productive day. I have another list I am working on for tomorrow after work. But for today-- nothing. I hope to be able to attend the revival tonight. I have babies to tend! What am I doing on here!


About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!