Friday, February 29, 2008

Has It Been a Week Already...

My how time passes so quickly. Life seems to go at such a hurried pace. Nonessential time grabbers get kicked to the curb. I dare say that it will not be blogging. This is therapy. I am in some need of therapy right now. Yesterday was the big day at the orthodontist student's office. I have a mouth full of metal. Well, not quite full as we have not started my lower teeth yet. That will truly be a fun day. I laid back for well over an hour as I was fitted for this beautiful piece of art in my mouth. Really it does not hurt, too bad. The spacers that were in were far worse. This morning I do feel the tension of all of it. Enough whining...what else do I have to talk about.

I had a very old lady making passes at me last night. All of this while I was starting her iv. I reminded her of that. I have seen many dirty old men but very few dirty old women. She had mentioned being healed at Church before mixed in with many innuendos. What kind of water was in that well (sweet, bitter)? She was truly a mess. She told me she wanted to die laughing. I was okay with that idea for her just not while she was on my table. I have had another patient tell me before, "You must be that hot Xray tech I am supposed to get a phone number from for my sister." I was completely dumbfounded. No one had ever asked for my number before. In the health care industry you see all kinds and never quite know what to expect. I have been accused of trying to kill people, I have been accused of shrinking a patient's head. I have been verbally abused. Mostly, though, I have had many opportunities to be a blessing and to be blessed. I have prayed with some. I have hugged and been hugged. There just never seems to be a dull moment.

I have returned patients to the ER with tazer drawing police in front and behind. I have been scanning one moment and initiating CPR the next. I have had to clean up nearly every kind of mess a human can make. Other times I have felt so personally involved that one would think my family was on the table. I have worked in sterile fields elbow to elbow with radiologists and scanned under the watchful eye of surgeons. I have come a long way from the chicken I was when I started.
Is this a commercial for me or what? Hey, it is my blog and I can ramble as I please. I am about rambled out. Blah!
I do like this media for communicating, though. It is the one place I can come and not have a lisp. I discovered last night that I can't whistle. I can make some noise but no tune is appreciable. Some don't appreciate a whistled tune anyway. I was good though. Perhaps in two years if I have not forgotten how. Perhaps.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nearly Spring...

Aaaawww! It is just nearly springtime here, although today's artic blast would disprove that statement. It is very cold and windy. We actually had a freezing rain advisory earlier. It never materialized here. yesterday I went to Memphis to the orthodonist. Wait, let me clarify that statement. It was actually the orthodonist student. I have been accepted as a test patient for a nice fee in the University of Tennessee School of Orthodontics. For the next two years I will be undergoing severe torture to align my teeth. the main reason for my participation is my retained primary tooth. I still have a baby tooth. My dentist told me that is is likely that is would fall out someday...funny to me it has made it 31 years+. Anyway, my permanent tooth is in the gums still. The plan is to wire me up align my teeth, correct my bite and yes pull this tooth down into place with a gold chain. Of all colors for this chain to be it is a gold chain. I will have bling, gold for ornament in my mouth. This should be interesting.

What I feel is more interesting is the fact that students will be in my mouth doing all kinds of stuff...students. I either have such a high level of faith or stupidity. I am really not sure which. I just keep telling myself that I am someone's grade and they will pay close attention to detail. It is either pass or fail. But really whether they make an A or a C they are a doctor just the same. I hope my student is a straight A. We get assigned an intern/resident whatever they are called. I go back next week and start getting my brackets. I have spacers in right now that I think are spliting my teeth wide open. I am such a baby, I know. I am really too old for this.

The real problem is going to be the fact that they are going to pull my retained primary canine tooth. I will be a snaggle tooth for a while. I don't know what I will do about that. Oh me! I am not vain but I am becoming less and less through this experience. Humility...what a hard lesson to pick up sometimes.
I guess this experience does give me something to blog about. Perhaps I should post pics of my progress. Hmmm! Time will tell...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lost and Found

Okay. I interpretted the lack of comments posted that I could skip a post during my busy time. I do apologize. It has been very crazy, somehow. Looking back I don't see it, but heading through the storm it was evident. last Tuesday was Tabithia's birthday. She says it is 25 but I have to differ on that. Anyway. We went to Memphis for her accupuncture appointment, did a few other things while there then we headed home, almost. We went straight on to Jonesboro to the Dillard's clearance outlet then the mall. By the time we got home, Memphis had been hit by a bad storm with tornadoes and the like. Then we were in the middle of the storms ourselves.
This seems a bit too informational. It has just been crazy around here. District convention was this past weekend. I went to Pocahontas right after work for that. It went very well I think. Conventions get hard since I changed schedules. I kind of have to be choosy about what I attend or take vacation. I am not as young as I used to be (while I am not as old as others I know *snickers*). I just don't rebound from sleeplessness as well. I changed my work schedule to weekends so that I could conduct revivals. The only service I have to miss now is SS. I make it to everything else. I am still informational. DULL!!!
This is why I haven't posted. I am boring. Very boring! Blah!!!!! Blah!!!! Blah!!!!!
Okay, lost and found time...Mushu, the sweet and sour putty tat is at it again. The other day I was holding him next to my face and he gently wrapped his paws around me to return the love. Then he grabbed both sides of my face like a field mouse. Oh, but the attack was not over yet. he then proceeded to open those vicious fangs wide and closed in on the left cheek. I was just like, "Not the face!! Not the face!!" That was when I came to my senses. It all happened so fast. I threw him to the floor and got myself clear. Well, that was pretty well all of that. That just lets you know a little about his demeanor. He is at times very sweet and at others without warning, very sour. Saturday when I came home from the convention, I went straight to bed. Tabithia worked until 8:30pm. Everyone is getting their tax refunds so they are all going crazy getting their hair "did." Mushu ran out of the garage when she pulled in. He was not home when I left that night, the next afternoon after Church, the next night when we came home from Church, the next morning, then after 48 hours missing, he shows back up, dirty and I think with some scratches here and there. Stinking tomcat! I was very glad to see the little sweet and sour booger. He was home at last. Last night I took him in the house and was petting on him until he had the flattus issue. Augh!!! It was so bad. That cat!!!! He is good though!

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!