Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Real Deal...

On this day when everyone (perhaps not everyone) dons a mask and pretends to be that which they are not, I just have to ask what makes this day so different from any other. It seems as though people are always masquerading as that which they are not. I want to be real and genuine. I am pretty transparent most of the time. That is not always a good thing. I work really hard to live peaceably with all men. When I say say I want to be real, I think I mean I want everyone else to be also. I never want to misrepresent what and who I am. I don't fell I do that. I don't brag about abilities. I treat them the same as dependents, I have zero. You may be wondering where all of this came from. Well, I sure can't say because there just might be someone lurking in the shadows. (I know you are out there.) That is fun isn't it?
I am reminded of that little song, "I Just Wanna Be a Sheep." I learned really quick that a hypocrite is just not hip with it. Proverbs 25:14 states, "Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain." There are many just blowing in the wind. Can people tel the difference? When they come in need of a shower they can.
This subject is a bit more serious than my normal jesting. My blog is a representation of me. It is real. This is what I am like...zany, unpredictable. It is typical Sanguine jargon. No motives here. No charades. What you see is what you get. Now there are those times when I might not be in the best of moods that i just don't post. That could be a lot of days out of the week. Really it's not. I am me, take it or leave it. For real!

Friday, October 19, 2007

At Wit's End...

Hmmm. Really I am not at my wit's end. I am not especially stressed. It has been a busy crazy week and the weekend now looms before me. When you only work three days a week those days that you work become exceptionally dreadful. That is not bothering me at this point though. That comes a little later in the day. I worked a whopping our hours yesterday but it was just as well. I had to go to that Safety Fai thing anyway. I think I blogged about that yesterday. I attended a very lengthy but interesting lecture on personalities last night. It is much deeper than the four (choleric, sanguine...). My sanguine personality prevents me from thinking any harder to come up with the other two. Sorry if I did not list you. Oh, well...this system has 16 personalities. It is the Meyers-Briggs system (MBTI). Again I don't remember what all of that means (the TI part). The speaker said that there were people in the nearly every community that could score your. It is not a test it is merely an instrument. So, I am going to find an online test which he advised against and see just what kind of person I am.
There really is something to personalities. We are all so different. When you couple personality with psychosis then it really gets interesting and you have most of my overnight patients in the CT department. They really are a different breed, most of them. Some people are ligitimately ill. Others are ill in a different way if you know what I mean.
O kay I took a little break here and you never knew it. I am possibly a INFP. Here's what that means. You let me know if it is a match.
"Usually gentle and kind, they are intense and passionate about their values and deeply held beliefs, which they share with trusted friends. Because of their discreet manner, their enthusiasm may not be apparent. They are sensitive to others' pain, restlessness or general discomfort and strive to find happiness, balance and wholeness for themselves in order to help others find joy, satisfaction and plenitude. They are deeply empathetic."
"They live life in an intently personal fashion, acting on the belief that each person is unique and that social norms are to be respected only if they do not hinder personal development or expression. They strive to adhere to their own high personal moral standards and are particularly sensitive to inconsistencies in their environment between what is being said and what is being done. Empty promises of adhering to something they value – such as environmental causes or human rights - set off an inner alarm and they may transform themselves into modern day Joan of Arcs."
"They are quietly persistent in raising awareness of cherished causes and often fight for the underdog in quiet or not-so-quiet ways. In a team, they will raise issues of integrity, authenticity, and good or bad, and may to opt out if the team refuses to address the questions raised. "
"They are usually tolerant and open-minded, insightful, flexible and understanding. They live for the understanding of others and feel deeply grateful when someone takes the time to get to know them personally. They have good listening skills, are genuinely concerned, insightful, and usually avid readers. At their best, they inspire others to be themselves."
I did not read all of it yet but some of it seems right. I say that is my possible personality because to know for sure I need to pay the $35 and take the whole test of 93 questions. For now i am an INFP. What are you?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...

I am not so naive to think that I can just put up a bunch of pictures and expect not to give some of amazingly witty commentary at some point. Really, I am not that full of myself. IT just sounded good at the moment. Thanks to all of those who have had a limited Hawaiian vacation by looking at my snapshots. I have enjoyed all of your comments. Some of those places are so pretty it would be hard to take a bad photo. I have many more pics that I would like to post soon that bring more wow factor.
Sis. Becky, I took with me 2, 2 GB, memory cards and another camera with I think a 1 or 2 GB SD card. I took over 2000 pictures. It really did not seem like I was missing out taking pictures all of the time. That was really what I wanted to do. There were pictures to be had everywhere and I wanted them. It was really like inexpensive souvenirs. I have a lot of them. Some good...some not so good.
It has been a busy week here. I have made the trip to Memphis twice. I have to go to work here in just a couple of hours...only for 4 hours though. That seems hardly worth it. I was going to have to go up there anyway. We are having the "Safety Fair." It is a booth to booth set up of hospital procedures. If you miss it, you have to take a stack of tests that is a whole lot less enjoyable. So I must go. Tonight I have to go hear a lecture for continuing education credit. So, this day pretty well stinks.
There was talk of going on another trip next week...Las Vegas. I know what you are thinking..."Why would a Christian go to sin city?" I care nothing about Las Vegas, but it is a short trip from the grand canyon. The H&R Block Convention is there and a friend of ours is a franchisee. We often travel with him and get discounts. This time it seems we have wait too long to book our tickets and they have gone up too much. So, I think we stay home this time, unless rates drop which I doubt. So no Grand Canyon for me. I should have really liked to have photographed that. Wow!
I think I have rambled quite enough and failed to deliver on the witty part. So, I just give you commentary today. Perhaps tomorrow I will bring the wit.

Friday, October 12, 2007

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

More Hawaii...

Say that three times fast. You must pronounce every vowel.

Wait a Minute...

It worked! "A 15 minute call could save you 15% on your car insurance." It looks like he just just jump up and talk to you.


I have tried for days to upload more pics from the land of Aloha. The Internet where I am is not fully cooperating. It pretty well stinks. I have nearly had a stroke trying this many times. It is nearly more than I can bear. I would love to be able to post some more but instead I am left only to describe with words. I will not even attempt that.
Having been home only a week now feels like months since we left that sunny (and rainy) land. I know that seems like a contradiction. It rained somewhere on that island everyday we were there. We are still eating on fresh pineapples straight from the red earth. Their soil is bright red but you wouldn't know that because I can't get the pictures up. There is so much iron from all of the volcanic activity. No volcanoes where we were, only extinct ones.
Life is back to normal here in the real world. We had a revival over the weekend with Sis Carter (Bro Lanny Carter's wife). I really enjoyed her ministry. She has such a take charge authority about her. Not like a coup attempt on your Church, but more like a "means business" approach. She does not compromise with the devil. I really admired her in your face altar work, too. She did not back down and at the same time was not over the top. She is very humble in spite of the description I have given here. I actually never knew she was a minister. In fact I had never really heard her say much in all of the times she was here on official business. She said a lot this past weekend and it was all good.
Well, I gotta get around. I need to cook something today to eat this weekend. Hmmm. I dunno! I will figure it out. Talk to you all next week, Lord willing!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007







Friday, October 05, 2007

Home Again...

Well (that is a pretty deep subject), I am home at last. I have some really great pictures (about 2000) but they are all on my computer at home. I would like to say that I will get them on soon but we are having a revival this weekend and I am back to work tonight. It will probably be Tuesday before I can get anything up.
We barely made it home. Our flight that we were supposed to board on Sunday night was cancelled. So Northworst airlines put us up in a nice motel. It sounds exciting to be stranded in Hawaii for an extra day. Not so much! We were near a maze of overpasses and airports. It is one of the least scenic places of the island.
I do not want the negative experience trying to leave and three days spent in airports to make it sound like we did not enjoy our vacation. It was wonderful. Picturesque sunsets, helicopter rides, snorkeling, rock collecting, beach combing, an attempt at surfing (that did not go well). There is just too much to tell and it would be too much to read. My pictures will tell the story if I ever get them on here. I have had much to do since coming home. My grass was knee deep....It was all worth it though. Wow! We had some wonderful food...purple sweet potatoes, taro bread, poi (not so good), Kahlua pork, coconut pudding, fresh, fresh, fresh pineapple. I think pineapple goes with everything now. They do say that eating it after a big meal aids in digestion. Put some pineapple on the table at the next Church pot luck you have.
It was all so great. I shall tell more when time permits. To be continued...

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!