Friday, January 26, 2007

Your Kindest Mercies

With the decision still within the boardroom as to my banishment from blogland, I fall upon the mercy of the board (who is the board?) As the dear ole good book says, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy." Have a heart NARR.
With that being said, what has been going on with me. I have worked near a full week and am so ready for the weekend. The weekend goes by so fast though and before I know it is starting all over again. I have such bloggers block. Hmmm! What could I blog about. I have had battles with the utility company for needlessly damaging my property. THey are bringing me a load of dirt to repair the damage. The boss sided with me and was very polite. My duck flapped from its fiendish prison the other day. It just so happened that all of the dogs were out. I stood very still and they got ready for one sudden movement. Unfortunately my lab instinctively prepared for a sudden movement. We both wrestled like football players for a fumbled ball. She never made contact as hard as she tried. I was so excited that i won that I accidently spiked the ball, I mean duck. Oops! Sorry Duckie! I really did not spike her. I placed her very lovingly back into her cage. Do not send PETA to my house.
That will do. I have appeased my guilty conscience.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I knew that all of the angy villagers could not resist my smiling face! I am now beginning my colorful apology which has been my sentence that was handed down. I am sorry for my weak efforts at blogging. I hope that was colorful enough. I worked very hard at it. It seems lately that my mind has been on other things. Don't act like this charming chap in this picture doesn't make you feel like you're in good company. I must say now that i don't think I have mentioned it sooner, rapture hair has for the time being been tamed. My hair looks about the same as the pic at left.

Some people accused me of looking like I had come in from a tempest. I would not hold that against her. Just thinking now, perhaps we should have the preacher fashion show some time. I have seen chaps in their sleevless suitcoats and different things. There are all kinds of styles and colors. There are many different hairstyles, combovers and no hair at all. The possibilities are endless. from the pulpit to the runway. Actually I fear that some of them may be more faux pas than something you would actually want to do. Who ever decided that you should comb the hair from the back of your head over the top and hope it stays there. That is crazy. There is a guy at the hospital that has a hair piece. It is okay to be sensitive to that. But if you are going to get a cheap one that don't even look real, don't expect everyone to believe that. Yes, I know that in that picture above there are some receding lines. I know all too well. But I am not going to cover that up with some cheap piece of shag carpet. How did I get on this subject. That is why I call it rambling.

What else can I ramble on about? Hmmm? I am not sure. I think I shall save that for the next session. Whenever that may be. Oh, I mean, soon, realy soon!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Barely Started

It has been rather busy this week with a couple of very bad days. I have had some headaches this week that have nearly been the death of me. Today is off to a good start. I hope everyone is doing well. There have been those posts asking about the length of time it take to undecorate. Well, it is barely even started. Perhaps toady though i will accomplish something. yesterday i rushed around as much as I could with my head pounding. I had to be at a funeral at 1:30. I just did get ready in time and rush to the funeral home. As I rounded the courner I noticed there were only three cars. I was at the wrong place. For a moment I did not even know where it was. I did not go late. I went back home and rested before going to work. Yesterday was a total wash. I did nothing productive. I think I might hire a team of undecorators. If I filthy stinking rich I would. I am everything except the third descriptor. Well, anyway, I must go. More things to do.

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!