Monday, August 27, 2007

Time For One More

Nearly everyone i know is probably too busy in preparations or travel to read this but i am going to post it anyway. First, for those of you traveling, may God bless and keep you all as you make your way to the General Assembly. I so look forward to seeing all of you during this blessed time. I can hardly wait. My weekend was not so good at work. I just kept thinking I will soon be in Cleveland at the General Assembly. That thought kept me going. I am excited about Children's Assembly and every thing else. I cannot wait to take it all in. It shall be glorious.
I am making all preparations to leave. It is an undertaking trying to get everything organized. I worry about little Mushu and how he will do without us (little imp). There is so much to take care of at our house. I do not wan to worry about things. Lord, please watch over those things and those that watch over those things. Mushu could become violent. That is normal though.
We will be leaving out tomorrow am (I hope). We have some people joining us and we are all going out there together. I absolutely cannot wait. I have my camera ready. So you can expect the paparazzi to be watching your every move. Relax and enjoy though. The worst thing that could happen is you could have a booger hanging from your nose and Ii would post the picture on here for the few people who read this to see. No biggie.
I really can't wait to see you all, booger or (s)not. God bless you all!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Decade and a Day

Yesterday marked a decade of wedded bliss for Tabithia and I. I had thought about it all day long. I could not wait for her to come home. I wrote her a poem. We were not gifting this year because we are going to Hawaii in about four weeks. It was a Church night so time for anything extra special was very limited and we were both fine with that...I thought. When Tabithia got home, I was still out with the dogs. That did not seem to go over very well but not that badly. I told her I could still be ready in the time it takes her. She took forever getting ready. By the time she was completely done it was 6:15. Then she began to pick fights over not being ready to go. I was ready. She started getting so nasty. I was just mad. I thought why has she come home to ruin this special day. the only embrace I wanted to give here included strangling. I could not believe it. Those little butterflies in the stomach feelings I was having turned to indigestion. It was about time to leave for Church, she did not want to leave too early. So we waited a little longer. We were a couple of minutes late but it was not started yet.

By the time we got there I wondered why I had even gone. I was not the least bit happy. Here this special day was ruined. We went through the whole service and finally to the end. I was still trying to salvage the night and go out after Church. Bro Robert, our CPMA booster, turned the service back to Bro Lawrence, our pastor. I thought we must be having a conference, maybe something we needed to take care of before the Assembly. I thought, "Oh, why does it have to be tonight." then as he took the stage a familiar song began to play, Valentine. I recognized it immediately but still thought it was like a happy anniversary thing but why were they playing it over Brother Lawrence. We were having a conference. About that time he asked me to come up front. As I stood there, down the isle came that mean old girl that had been so nasty to me an hour before. She had on that same dress she wore a decade ago. It had all been part of her devious plan to confuse me. All of a sudden an arch came from the back. We were having a wedding. I was so shocked and yes, my eyes filled with tears. Even though she had been so mean I said, "I will," again.

Someone told us after Church we were in "Double Marriage." All of the meanness had been an act. People are so crazy. They think they have to make you furious to keep you from figuring things out. I must say, it is pretty clever. For one time she totally surprised me. I just love that little girl!
That picture is the original. I don't have any of the new ones yet.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I Have Returned...

I have been away for about a week. I hope this does not strip me of my "most improved" trophy. I worked so much extra last week and this. Well, maybe it was just a day each week. Anyway, I was tired. It was so busy when I did work that it just zapped all my strength. I hope, pray this weekend is better. It has been a scorcher here. I so desperately need rain in my yard. It is a desert. I have been dragging hoses around for a month.
Last week I built a new home for the ducks. That went went. I did get frustrated and had to take a swim break. I had too cool off in more ways than one. The grand total of duckie tenants is now at 5. I inherited some. I have also gained some rabbits. I never saw that coming nor did I want it to. The funny part is that some of them were mine to begin with. We moved them before we went on vacation last May to make it easier to care for them while we were gone. It became so much easier for me to leave them where they were. So, now I am about to get them home. Perhaps next week I can accomplish that task.
As for suits...Yes, I got three new suits at the New York Suit Exchange. Bro Ray, As best I can tell there is no web site. There are some very good deals though. I had a little trouble because of my unique size. I am kind of in between. The selection for me was not as large as for other sizes. No, I am not saying you are fat.
I really need to get off of here and take a nap. God bless you all. It is just a little over a week before we see each other again. Can't wait!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Little Boy Is Growing Up...

Where to begin here. My last post was Friday. I went off to work that night had a really good night, thank God. I worked enough to keep myself going but not enough to run myself crazy. The real craziness was the next day. There is a place in Memphis called the New York Suit exchange. They have a sale every so often where you get three suits, three shirts, three ties, three belts, three pairs of socks...for $200. So I slept a little while and Tabithia woke me up to run over there. I went to bed at noon. She awakened me at 4pm. I had myself convinced the whole time that I would be fine. I thought I had had 6 hours sleep. I must have been delirious. When I realized I only had four, I was nearly in a panic. I thought I would be so tired. Saturday night was pretty calm, too. Oh, well, I had three new suits. It was worth it. We stopped at a barbecue place in Marion that I had always wanted to try, Tops. The quality of the meat was very good. It was just a little bland. It was not bad though.

I got home watched a little of America's Got Talent and headed off to work. Sunday all went well. I got up on Monday and was reading this book I found in my stuff the other day. It is called, "Preparing to Teach the Word of God." It is a really old book with yellow pages. IT was my great aunt's. Most of the time I may start a book like that, but when I realize how crazy it is I put it away. Some folks just believe anything. This book is different. It is very inspirational. It is a good book. Anyway, I was reading and someone rang the doorbell. I was not prepared for that nor dressed for it, so it took me a little time to get that way. The knock became more and more fervent. I could not imagine what they wanted. I finally got the the door and there is this hyper guy, Cooley, he called himself. He basically does a rap right there in my front yard. I thought, "O' no, it is one of those traveling salesman." Not so. He talked fast at first, but I never heard him get anywhere near that again. He actually talked very, very very slow. He wanted to pave my driveway. I had been intending to get an estimate for that. The driveway was gravel with a few potholes. They actually made us a good deal. So, I now live down a paved driveway.

I got to work that night and got a very good deal on lunch, $1. Then my day took a turn for the worse. It seems that my state license had lapsed. I had a major ordeal over that and hop that it is resolved. I worked all day yesterday on that. I have to call today to find out whether I have to drive tow hours to Little Rock or not. Every time I go there I get lost. I do not like Little Rock.

O yeah, let me quit rambling long enough to get to the title of this post. Mushu, it turns out can really jump. He jumps up to the edge of the pool without problem or hesitation. The reason I say he is growing up is due to the fact that he is eating dry food. I think canned food stinks and is gross. He does not feel the same. I had been wanting to try him on some dry food. Yesterday was the day. He dove into it. It went that well. I think he has been sneaking into the dog food when his bowl runs empty anyway. He is determined not to starve to death. He is pretty funny. He has had no major disciplinary problems lately. He is not too hard to put back up because it is 100 degrees here. He just pants outside. So do the dogs. I do, too. Bluh!

I guess I will go see what today holds!

Friday, August 03, 2007


Contrary to common thought, any sane thought anyway, my title has but little to do with my subject (I don't really have a subject). I could not come up with a title I have not already used. So, please excuse my redundancy. I instead chose to label my post as repetition. That is probably what the subject material is anyway. I have no material, but who said you had to have something to blog about. It could be a lengthy essay of my inner most thoughts. That is pretty shallow. It is probably just more of the nonsense I call merriment.
I could be doing all kinds of things right now. I need to vacuum the pool again. I need to mow the yard. The weedeating is all done--Yeah, me! It is so seldom all finished at once. I really need to get on that mower though. Tabithia has mowed the last three times. What a doll! It is certainly my turn. I also have to take a nap. I know that does not seem a necessity, but I have to work all night long tonight so I normally lay down just to power nap sometime during the day.
It is so stinking hot here! You can absolutely see the air. It is near unbearable. Who has ideal climate right now? Maybe I should move there. If you climate is ideal now it probably get well below zero in the winter. I am not into that either. Mosquitoes are really not overwhelming this year. They are not exactly good, but in comparison to the swarms we normally breed in these parts, we are doing well. That is probably do to the fact that it has not rained in forever. I have heard that hot weather makes people cranky. I can tell by my tone that I need a cool refreshing shower. Don't take that to mean that I do not have good personal hygiene. I nice rain would be great. Spiritually a shower would be great as well, but I am not as cranky in that area. Really, we had Communion and Feet Washing last Wednesday night. It was a really sweet service. My feet are clean at least. You know, I really just do not like feet. When I was doing X-rays, I could not even touch a foot without gloves. I find them absolutely disgusting. That and spit. I cannot deal with saliva. That grosses me out worse than near anything. How did I get to this subject? Well, I am here. Feet, for some reason, are deemed untouchable by me. So, it is truly a humbling experience for me. Jesus really knew what He was doing there that night. What a lesson it teaches me every time. One brother said Wednesday that we hesitate to do the things that are good for us. Feet washing is good for us. It was a command that we should do unto each other as he had done. The Son of God, King of Glory knelt to wash His disciples feet. There is no one better than Him! I can do it.
Let me ask this. Does anyone else feel the emergent need to wash your hands afterwards? It was humbling to do it but I don't want to touch my face or blow my nose with foot stuff on me. The strange thing there is it is okay for me to blow my nose in service and not feel the emergent need to wash, but if I touch your foot--no way! I wash my hands after hand shakes, too. Am I a bad person? Does anyone else do any of this?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Finally...I'm Off...

Augh! Yes it does feel good to be off from work finally. Monday is my Friday. this week it was Tuesday. What a bad night it was. It seems I am having more and more of those. Last night I think it was just because I was so ready to be off for a few days. Now, I am off (my rocker). I need to mow, vacuum the pool, go to the revenue office and renew my vehicle registration, laundry, walk the dogs, water the yard...Am I really off? I would rather be doing this kind of stuff for a few days anyway.
I have so much other stuff to do as well. I am tired just thinking about all. Maybe I am just tired. I know that's right. Let's see. What interesting things happened to me? Hmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. I have really done very little but work since last entry. I had set the alarm this morning for around 7. Lately the alarm has had no effect on me. I turn it of unwittingly and roll back over. I don't usually have anywhere to be in the mornings. So, that is not a huge problem. *Yawn* This morning I was dreaming about the clock (I really don't like drams like that). Anyway, I had requested the floors be cleaned (as if I am not the one who does that). In come this girl from Church, Trishe with a vacuum cleaner (she works at Wal Mart and suddenly my bedroom becomes the discount center itself). She acts like I will be so proud the floor is cleaned because it really needs it. Yes, I am still asleep and she is making all kinds of racket cleaning the floor by my bed. On top of all of that, she did not clean it very well. Why do we dream crazy stuff? It is just a hodgepodge of random thoughts all run together. They are insane notions.
When I was a kid a dreamed about the same monster that lived in our house. He stayed in the laundry room most of the time. He was brown, furry and had big mouse-looking ears (I have another story about ears). He was quite ferocious and scary though. I would never sleep with arms out of the cover, never hang anything over the edge of the bed and always close the closet door. Our closet door had a small hole in it, too. I kept posters or patches over it all at times. I knew all the junk that was under my bed and in my closet prevented a monster from residing there. Just in case though, I made sure I protected myself in every way. The day time was different. When night fell, the room was on lock down. I am convinced the psychosis was brought on by dreams. It was killer Mickey that brought terror to this young child. In some of those dreams it was day time and I had to be very quiet or I would wake up the monster.
I still have the strangest dreams. They do not haunt me now. They simply annoy and exhaust me. Sometimes you just wake up so tired like you have run or worked all night. Sometimes that is the case. Other times it is the nonsense that my psychotic subconscious invents.
Speaking of psychotic. Yesterday I saw this girl with pink hair and what I thought were mouse ears on her head. So she got the attention she craved as I had to look again to be sure. Yes, she did. She was not Mousketeer though. Later I saw her walking around again. She had some sort of furry animal tail attached to her shirt. I am not sure what look she was going for. Perhaps she is a descendant from Daniel Boone, NAH! At least I just dream the craziness while other choose to lie it.

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!