Monday, August 28, 2006

I am not CRAZY after all!!!!

I know that seems a strange title that to many is very arguable. All of this stems from a patient I had the other night that topped the list as the worst patient I have ever had. I was absolutely miserable for over an hour. We don't normally have patients that long in CT. Oh, but I had that one. She is diagnosed as bipolar and I watched as she quickly switched between the two extremes. She also stated some things that made me decide she was scitzophrenic as well. She believes that her ex-boyfriend is trying to killer her as he did his two ex-wives and his grandmother and probably other people. "Is there anything that you can put in people's food, around there house or even in letters from the jail that I am not supposed to be getting because of a no contact order. " It was very, very sad and stressful at the same time. Thank God a thousand times I am not insane. We should just be able to lay hands on people like that and see them restored. What a shame.
Everyone, be careful on the way to the Assembly and watch out for those bees! *snickers* Can't wait to see you there.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Sweetest Thing

Oh, I almost forgot something. Really what is was, I just wanted to post twice in once day so to make up for my absence. Sunday at Church, we had a testimony service. Sis Mary stood up to testify and during everything else that she said, she mentioned her granddaughters. She had asked them what they thought about Children's Church. The older girl, Jade, said, "It's just like heaven." They enjoyed it so much. that just makes you feel really good. We talked about bees Sunday. They knew a lot about them. We covered the "Bee Attitudes" and different ways to "Bee." Bee Kind...Holy...Busy...Happy...Brave...Strong...and had verses to go along with. We should all Bee like Jesus. On the way to the Assembly, in Tennessee there are road signs that say "Bee Alert..." My wife's grandmother saw that one time and said, "They must have a lot of bees out here." She did not read the rest of the sign, "Bee Alert, Arrive Unhurt."
Next Sunday we will talk about the butterfly. Even the beautiful butterfly begins as just a nast little worm. I am going to wrap the kids in toilet papper to put them in a coccoon. That will represent prayer. It will be fun! God bless you all.

Where Does the Time Go?

Seriously, where does it go? This week has flown by and now before I know it it has been nearly a week since my lat post. I know how blog addicts are. They need new material. I am thinking about making a sign or a name tag for the Assembly that says, "I'm a blog addict." Or the famous line, "Blog, blog, blog." Wow, this week had gone by speedily. All is well with you guys I presume. I guess I will find out more about that when I check your blogs.
Some of my time has gone to this. This is the only corner of the room remodel that is completed. I was holding out for a new computer desk. It didn't happen. So, I finally started putting things back together. Before these books were just stacked up on the floor or displayed elsewhere. I have spent a great deal of time admiring these shelves and even studied on the new work surface. I forgot my before pics. I know everyone wants to see the fish.
I know this is kind of boring. Hmmm. Hmmmmm. Ahmmmmm. I got nothing. No wonder I haven't posted. This has been such a boring week. Sorry for the disappointment. If you have read this far down, the first to post a comment gets...Oh, No, not again!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Under Construction

I have been of the subject on mudane chores. Here is another--painting. I have decided to change my office up a bit. It is now very whimsical. People originally thought it was our nursery. It was neat, kind of. But now I have grown tired of it. So tomorrow, bright and early I will begin the chore of changing the two-tone walls to a nice shade of gray. I know that sounds melancholy. I happen to like gray. This pewter gray color will cover up the little orange goldfish that were present before--all 25 of them. Yes, I know, that is sick. It is not nearly as sick as eating Rudolph. You know who I am talking to. I am not sure what part of that is worse, suffocating the little fish or the fact that they graced my walls to begin with. Well, I must be going. Duty calls. I will post some before and after pics once I get it all done. God bless ya!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Who Makes This Stuff Up?

Well last night I labored in the house folding some laundry. I don't mind folding towels, but I despise folding shirts and sheets! I loathe it!!! I was sitting there doing that in the quiet of the wee hours and just began to think, who thought this up. Who decided that we should fold these. Why not live out of a pile? Sometimes we do when we are too busy to get caught up. Why is it not proper to come into someone's house and expect to see a pile of laundry on the couch? Company does not have to ask where things are. If they need a towel, they know right where to find it.
Mowing the yard? I had to start that project yesterday. We get such satisfaction from looking across a freshly mowed yard. Why is that? Who thought that up? Why is it not proper to allow your yard to grow naturally (other than the fact it would be a fire hazard). I think the weed cover might just shade the house enough to reduce energy costs.

I suppose it is all the curse of Adam. Wouldn't you like to throw some apples (fruit) at him sometimes. Say, "There's your fruit, buddy!" That would not seem sanctified though. Were it not for him we would have no clothes to fold for sure. I am not complaining although it may seem as though I am. I am just observing. I will soon be observing folding yet more clothes and mowing the rest of the yard unless I intend to go for the prairie look. I could declare the yard a wildlife habitat. Or I could just get off of here and get busy. *rasberry*

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Joker Returns

That seems like a very funny title but unfortunately I cannot think of anything funny right now. I am not in a bad mood, I think it is just an unmood. Have you ever had an unmood? You really don't feel anything at all. I think it is just too early.

As promised though, this is a place of merriment, besides I have challenged others. So, I must look deep within to uncover something whimsical. *searching, searching* The other day my pastor was preaching on Bowels of Mercy and being "moved with compassion." I just did not think that the combination of "bowels" and "movement" were very appropriate in the same message. Yes, I know that is gross. But, sadly, that is just the way my sick mind works. He nor anyone else there put that together.

Children's Church went well Sunday. We considered the ant. This next week is all about bees. I think the Bee Attitudes would be in order. I have to figure out some bee craft I could do with the kids. Add to the list of my jobs, local VLB Activities Director. About the only place I have not worked is the nursery and I don't really think I want to do that. I like the kids when they are more rough and tumble. I am not all about changing diapers of movement. Had to throw that in there.

I have been really stirred to prayer this week. I preached Sunday night on Asaph. I may very well post that on here in the next couple of days. I might get it ready after devotion today. I am rambling on here. At least I got that part right in the title. May God bless you all today.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

New Name!

I would hate to think that all of my nonsense that I post here is to no avail. I know that I am silly, very silly at times, Okay, ludicrous, even. But there is a method to my madness. This is a place to go where you can be as crazy as I am. You can enjoy yourself and escape the real madness that is in the world today. This world does not belong to me, so it can no longer be called mine. The ramblings on this blog are free...As if I could get any cash for them. I need some cash some people are expecting $100. I never have lived that one down. Back to the subject. I offer therapy here. My craziness is for one get your mind off all of those things that trouble you. You all have provided me with that as well. It has been a rough year for us. You all have been so supportive since I started this in May. I may not get as many posts as all of those boring posts that Becky puts up *fully expecting retaliation* but it is so good to have all of you. Your comments quack me up *quacckkk*. Thank you. I hope I have been a blessing to you all as well. Welcome to my Ramblings!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Comfort of Prayer

It seems that so many have been posting about the power that they have found in prayer. There are those facing arduous trials and have found the coping power of prayer and quacking. Truly, there is power in prayer. Lives have been transformed, saved, healed all because someone prayed. We know of this power and have experienced it in our own lives. Now, we depend upon this to bring about the needed peace to our souls and to our churches. God certainly hears the prayers of His children. Countless verses shed light on the truth of this. Matthew 7:7 is one such verse.

That was all very serious and eloquent. Now, I will finish this up with what has been term a "Jason Mullins spirit." The other night I was taking care of a woman in the CT suite that was very hearing impaired. Okay, she could not hear thunder! Anyway, she argued with me as to why she should have the test done. I was using pen and paper to communicate and feeling a bit of carpal tunnel syndrome by that point. Finally I called her nurse who came over with he family to convince (or force) her to do the exam. Well, that being settled, she reluctantly moved over to my table from her stretcher. As we were nearing the start of the exam, she began to say, "Help me Lord, Jesus." She was praying. I thought I would write here a note to let her know that I would be praying for her as well during the test. I wrote, "I will pray, too." all of a sudden in her normal loud tone, because she can't hear how loud she is, she exclaimed, "Where do you go to church?" Proudly I was about to write her another note to let her know. She said, "There ain't but one church, the Church of Christ." I was like, "Oops! I am supposed to be calming her down." So I ignored the question and was going to proceed. Once again, "Where do you go to church?" I did not ignore that time as I wrote out, "The Church of God." She read it, "The Church of God? I go to the Church of Christ." She relaxed and did not say anything else. I prayed from the control room and all went well. See there! There is power in prayer regardless of where you go to Church. *laughs*

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What A Strange Combination!

This is not a pickles and ice cream post or any other food catastrophes. I was sitting in Church Sunday listening as the appointments were being made. You know sometimes there are times you don't really want to hear your name. Like when you are in a doctor's office and you have found a good magazine that has captured your interest. Soon as you get going really good, "Jason Mullins." Oh, drats! Does anyone else ever fell that way? Well, Sunday was kind of like that. I was just minding my own business, well really I wasn't because I cringed at every appointment. The list goes on and I am nearly sweating. All of a sudden, out of no where...CHILDREN"S CHURCH!!!!! AUUUGGGHHH! Of all places I never suspected I would be in Children's Church. It is not that I do not want to do that. I just never guessed I would be there. Isn't it strange sometimes where we are placed? I worked there for about seven years many years ago. That was a different local church so I can now use all of my old tricks with these new kids. There are not very many kids though. VBS had a huge impact on this I do believe.
Now the strange combination I was talking about is this, I am now serving as Local Children's Church Director, Regional BTI Coordinator, Regional Evangelism Coordinator and I am supposed to be developing a Regional Website. That is a strange combination to me. If it were a sandwich I don't think that it would be a very good one. Oh, well, who said that everything is supposed to make sense. I know most would agree with that. Well, I have been at this computer way to long. I have got to do Wednesday devotion. Since I work every week night, I try to make up for it with extra Wed devotion. God bless you guys!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Yard Sale Journal 08/05/2006

5:41 am Alarm...snooze

5:50 am Alarm again...snooze

5:59 am Alarm...Okay, Okay. I'm up already. I can't believe I am doing this again. Have I lost my mind?

6:01 am I am cooking pancakes. Aren't I industrious this am? Actually they are in the microwave. They are frozen.

6:30 am Making my way tot he yard sale at my in-laws house. I'm there but they have a security door that I loathe. It is locked and I can't get in. You would think we lived in Memphis or somewhere. Bunch of chickens! *Bawk...Bawk*

6:35 am Finally I am in Fort Knox, making many trips back and forth from the shop. Although it is early I am sweating profusely.

7:05 am I am still getting this junk out. People are driving by slowly, I must hurry.

7:10 am First customer, no sale.

7:30 am More customers (2 car loads) 1 car leaves no sale. Hispanic family is still shopping. I have no idea what they are saying. Why did I take French in HS? Je ne sais pas!

7:35 am First sale!!!!!! $4.50

7:45 am Neighbor from down the street stops by. She finds some terrible gospel CD's that I thought was a bargain for $5. She pays $.50 for 2. My loss is her gain. *bluhk*

7:50 am Another car. This guy sounds like and auctioneer. I don't know how many times he said the word "dollar." He has a price for everything he has. His car cost him this he made $450 at his yard sale. I don't really have anything worth that much individually or collectively. He sure did not spend any of that fortune here.

8:00 am 2 cars, no sale. Earlier I mentioned chickens. There is one here that keeps crowing. It is driving me insane. I know it is not a chicken, it is a rooster. Whatever. I may be from Arkansas, but I am not that back woods. I really don't think that thing is legal in town like this.

8:o5 am Another satisfied customer x 2. Oh wait they are leaving too. they say we are too skinny.

8:15 am Called Tabithia to get her out of the bed. Stupid rooster crows again.

8:23 am Another customer shows up. He leaves his truck running for a quick get away.

8:25 am Yet another customer. She is realted to someone I graduated HS with. No sale, but good conversation. As she pulls away she runs over the sign I have at the edge of the driveway. No problem I can fix that. Okay, it has been an hour with no sale *rasberry*!!!!!

8:30 am More people show up. One is the mother of someone I know. She is having a baby (the girl not the mother)Of course she is not in her right marriage or mind for that matter. Well the last comment was a far stretch.

8:36 am Another sale...get this...a whole, whopping $.75.

8:4o am There is another and she has picked up something...another $.50. Boy oh boy, what am I going to do with all of this money?

8:43 am "Anyone got any boys jeans size 10." Nope!!! Looks like a sale is iminent though, $2.75. Oh, I am having to do math in my head. It hurts!!!

9:05 Some former co-workers showed up. We bashed the old establishment that is long since gone. They buy $4 worth of clothes that I know she can't wear. Oh, well.

9:11 am $2 sale, buying for the grandkids. They ran over my sign again. That makes the third time it has been hit (I backed over first thing this morning) This time the buckett that is is sitting on is crushed...oops!!

9:15 am I decided to call another yard saler to check on how they are doing. Well, really I am calling to rub in the fortune that I have made *rasberry*. Another customer shows up and is gathering her loot.

9:22 am I am still on the phone and can't get off...HELP!!

9:30 am I'm still on the phone. Sales!!!! $.50 and $4.50

9:35 am My neighbor from the old neighborhood stopped by--just for chit chat. She was a good neighbor. She wants to come see our house. Someone has got some cleaning to do. I have just realized that I am not making much money but I am meeting a lot of people. this could be a great outreach...A tract with every purchase. it is a shame it is my last sale. Yard Sale Evangelism, who'd a thunk it? It is a great way to meet people. I'll have to remember that.

9:42 am All alone out here, aside from the barking dogs, chirping birds and occaisional rooster crow it is very quiet.

9:45 am They just drive by as if they don't even see me. Am I manic depressive or what? Oh, just now someone has had pity on me. They stop, look around but briefly. not very friendly either perhaps they should have passed on by. *makes cat fight sound*

9:46 am Another chance at a sale. I've seen them before at the first yard sale. they don't recognize me. I hope my cover is not blown. This is the third sale I have had. They are arguing over dress sizes right now. If people only knew I was writing all of this down. Is that all anyone does anymore, fuss. I'm about to have a Dr Phil Yard Sale or like the Peanuts cartoons "Advice $.05"

9:55 am another $3. The child was rowdy, but just like last time, she always gets a toy.

10:00 am The sun has now come over the tops pf the trees out here. It is getting warm *Wah! Wah!" I moved my chair a bit. I just realized that my junk table is getting very scarce. I was just thinking that earlier I had a custome come up on one of those hover-round scooters, you know the ones from television that are supposed to increase your mobility. they really do apparently. Take that thing out to yard sales. Two people have came on reall sccoters. People have showed up on everything but a horse today. I hope that doesn't happen. I really don't feel like shoveling anything.

10:05 am Moved again. Just thinking that this summer I have made over $70 off of clothes that we can't wear and junk that we don't want. Not bad.

10:07 am Another customer. I am considering a weed salad. I am so hungry. Oops!!! I blocked in Tabithia's grandmother's car. She has to go get her hair did. She will take my car. Can't miss that appointment.

10:12 am Called Momma she has my nieces and one is crying in the background.

10:27 am Trip to the little boys room.

10:30 am I am sorting through some old boxes of mine. More customers $1.50

10:45 am $4.50 more

11:05 am People have come and gone. I just read an article from the Evening Light, April 1996
That Brother Covey had written, "Wordlings, What Are They Trying To Prove?" Very good. I used to love to hear him speak. He is so funny in a corny sort of way.

11:25 am $3

11:58 am CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!

Grand Total of $32 Hooray!!!!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Light Words

It seems today that there is light everything from bread to mayonnaise to bologna. Oh, I am making myself hungry here (except that mayonnaise thing--that is gross). We are spiritually in some very heavy times. For those of your personality hounds out there, a sanguine *raising hand* has a very hard time being serious and dealing with all of the heaviness. So, I have chosen to be my normal silly self here today. Now, if I can just think of something light.

I've got it. Last night I was leaving work at the hospital which by the way was not a fun night. Anyway, it sits on top of a hill so you have to walk down a slope to get to the parking lot. There is a garage to park in but I am just way to cheap to pay to park. I would rather drive all over the parking lot like a vulture looking for someone to move toward there car. It really is like a vulture how you just kind of leer at them with no facial expression. You watch row by row to see where they are going. When the moment presents itself, it is as if your massive wings swoop down closing in for the ---parking spot. I am off subject again. Can you imagine listening to me preach?

Back to the story...So, I notice this old car has left its lights on. I looked around to get a description of the car and memorize the license number. I began the trek back up the hill to tell security. I felt the burn in my leg muscles as I climbed Everest. Alas, I reached the top to see a rent-a-cop standing there expressionless as if guarding Buckingham Palace. In fact he had not moved because he was covered in our state bird--mosquitoes. They were biting him on the face. He never swatted. Finally I stirred him to action. When I described the car--he knew which one it was. He knew all of that time. Suddenly I did not feel very safe. Here was a security guard that was nearly being carried off by mosquitoes that I was not even sure was alive. Perhaps he needed a transfusion. The other night we had a potentially threatening situation. Police were all over the place. No wonder. The Buckingham Guards provide little protection. Parking control I guess.

That story lacked a bit. But today that is all I have. Tomorrow I plan to yardsale again, Lord willing. Perhaps someone will come along and eat some weeds or something. I don't know. Until then, God bless you all!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More VBS Pics

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!