Friday, October 27, 2006

More Ramblings

Well, I must admit, my merry heart has been anyhting but idle lately. Really I have just been too busy to ramble. Let's see...what to blog? Well Christmas is coming early at our house. The furniture has been placed in an optimal position for the Christmas forrest to return toour home again. I think we are well beyong a tree for every room now. The neighbors have to wear sunglasses at night. Our electric meter will soon be spiraling out of control and we will be so content surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. It is such a wonderful season. At Church, we will be practicing our Christmas program week after next (assuming I finish writing it). Augh!!! The weather here has turned cold and it is just so time to deck the halls. Yes, we start early. I have nearly always been started before Halloween. I have done the traditional day after Thanksgiving thing. I don't really like that. Besides I have to work. Tomorrow, I may just pull some of the near 30 boxes down and see what they contain.
We have collected an ornament from almost every place we have been, with the exception of Canada. They don't have many shops that carry that merchandise year round. It is hard to get that in April. Go figure. Is everyone not as crazy for Christmas? I know the Horne house is.
Well, I must be getting off here. I have rambled long enough. I may go pull out some boxes on this rainy day.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Okay, Here's Another One...

Here are som of the zoo pics. The meerkat was certainly in the spotlight. It is soo hard to get the right lighting. By the time you have gone everywhere, some light is good some is bad. If I lived there I would have to go pretty often to get all of the pics I wanted. The elephants were amazing. The elephant on the left took its trunk and gave the other one a drink. It was very cool. The giraffe looked at me as though I were inposing. Then I wrestled the hippo into submission for a photo opportunity. It was a really cool zoo. 100 acres of zoo to be exact. Makes my feet tired all over again. Tabithia was complaining of her knee. She is getting soooo old! *snickers*

Past Time For Another Post

I know it has been forever since my last post. Soooooo, here are some more pics of San Diego and Anaheim. The first pic is San Diego Bay at sunset. The rollercoaster is in the Discover California theme park in Disneyland. That is not me with Tabithia, that is another Goofy. And the last pic is our hotel. Yes, we felt like rich folk. It was enormous.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Alright! I have finally stolen some time to get a few of these on here. So here they are. There is the San Siego Skyline from the ferry to Coronado Island. At the zoo we happened upon this submerged hippo. He third pic is a few blocks from our hotel. Lastly, Tabithia is studying some bargains in Tijuana. I have many, many more. That is all time permits now.

I have to be in Broken Arrow tomorrow then back home Sun. for Children's Church in the am and Sun pm service.
I gotta go for now. God bless you.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Return to Chaos

No, not the international criminal group, just my crazy life. I have finally got the pictures on my computer and most of them flipped the way they go. Some crazy person thinks they have to turn the camera all sorts of angles and directions. Then you have to spen hours going through 642 pictures deciding how they should be turned. I think his name starts with a "J." He gets on my nerves sometimes. He is a really great guy though.
The strangest thing happened at Disneyland. There was a "person" in the line in front of us. The voice was very masculine but it was a gray haired woman. I looked and thought that is a wig. Well, my beautician was with me and she said she did not think that it was a wig. Well, we got on the ride and the "person" sat in front of us a few seat. Once we began there were sharp turns and sudden drops. That one held on to the top of its head ever so tightly to secure the hairpiece. I have heard of a wolf in sheeps clothing but never seen a man in womens clothing until now. Call me sheltered. I would just assume be sheltered from that. People are so messed up today. Sometimes you just want to slap them. I know that sounds real Christlike, but it is true. You want to do the same. Don't act all holy like you don't have those thoughts. Just a good slap would do some people some good unless they are bigger than you and might retalliate with more than a loving, chastening slap. I am really not sure what shim was. I know that is a terrible blog subject.
On a different note...hmmm...hmmm...Oh I know. We finally rode the Tower of Terror. It was so awesome. I have been to Disney World twice and now Disneyland and finally was bale to ride the accaimed adventure. It was really fun. There was a ride there that I enjyed more, "Soaring Over California." that was so cool. It was a flight simulator that had you soaring over a river one moment then raising your dangling feet to miss a tree the next. It was complete with smells. You could smell the oranges as you went over the orange trees. It was so cool.
Well that is it for now. I have spent more time here than intended. God bless you all today.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Where to begin...

Well, we are home. It was a beautiful city! I have over 700 picures of the skyline, the buildings, palm trees, tropical plants, Mexico, Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo, San Diego harbor...Yes, wonderful pictures that I cannot retrieve from my camera at this point. I have spent 2 hours trying to get them and nothing has worked yet. I have another way to accomplish this. It will just take some time. Oh...time. There is a pile of luggage that needs unpacked in our spare room, most of the clothes there need washed. The dogs need to see me and I go to work at 3. Hmmm. Sounds like I need a vacation. *snickers*

Enough whining. It really was a great vacation. I found myself amused at some the people on multiple occaisions. Mexico was hilarious. All you have to do is turn around and take a few steps in disinterest and the prices begin o fall. This was Tabithia's paradise. She is such a "Jew." One lady dropped the price, not by much and said, "I'll even throw in a free bag." The plactic bag seemed to be her only lure. For that matter we had our hands full of them from other purchases.
One note...I never made it to the beach. We were so busy with everything else. We were attemptimg it on Thursday when it got very dark, very fast. So we turned around. The temperature was very cool there so it may have been a safe time to visit without seeing more than I bargained for. We did stop at a harbor-side beach, very small. Nonethe less it was a beach.
I will have more to post. There will be pics if I can get them off the camera. If not then you all will have to come to Arkansas and look through my LCD. I must be going. I just did not want you all to think the plane went down or anything. Gotta go unpack, etc. God bless.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

San Diego Here We Come!!!

Well, it has come time to take a restful vacation for us. Ministers Convention went very well yesterday. My 15 min evangelism boost even went well. While I was working on it I had to get and go through the house rejoicing. Everything worked so well together yesterday. It was all inspired and anointed. At the time of this post, I should be finishing my children's church lesson. So I will keep this one brief. Maybe this afternoon I will get teh time to post again or at least reply. As for next week. We will be in sunny San Diego with camera in hand. I have never really seen the ocean up close. So this will be a new adventure for me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Last Day As A 29 Year Old!

Yes, you heard that right. Tomorrow, October 5 at 10:32 am, I officially become 30 years old. *shudder* Where has all of the time gone? I must admit, 30 seems a bit oldish (no offense to those who have surpassed their 3rd decade). I have come to terms with it though. I told them Sunday night that it just showed 30 years of the goodness of the Lord. I mean just look at me. Could I have turned out any better? I barely even look 25. *laughs at his own jokes*

I have already had a surprise party. Most of our local Church showed up at my house on Saturday. I was beginning to catch on when Tabithia yelled at me as if I had done something horrible. I am headed outside to see what her problem is when I look up (as well as I could, I was in the process of getting my contacts in when she proceeded to yell). It was just a good thing I did not go out there and holler back. There were nearly 30 people there before it was all over. I still have two cakes to eat. We had my seasonal favorite that night...bon fire food. When it turns cool at night I could roast a hot dog every day and a few marshmallows. I love it! See there, I don't even act 30. My wife can attest to that.

Children's Church if going well. We had 9 Sunday. We have not been having that many. I was preparing for seven every week. Looks like I will double that now. We had 3 regulars out. We marched those kids out front to show how Buggy for Jesus they really are. They had the dear in the head lights look. They sang the Butterfly Song in practice with all of the motions. They were much more reserved out front. The congregation loved it anyway. I learned a long time ago that anything those kids do out front is cute whether it goes according to the script or not. It was fun. Everyone thought that it looked really good. Before they most often had 1 in children's church. Our local Church is growing. Before we transferred they were having on average 20 in attendance. Last week we had about 47. We absolutely love it there. I have never worked with such a cooperative group of people. We just love them all.
Well, I gotta go. I need to do a little research for Ministers' Convention which is Saturday. God bless you all. See you in my 30's (Lord Willing).

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!