Saturday, June 24, 2006

Turtle! Turtle!

The other day we went to Jonesboro and had some time to kill before Tabithia had to go to the chiropractor. So, we took Paydon, a little boy who is a big part of our lives, to a park. We were driving around looking for the best playground equipment and found this big painted turtle. Like any little boy, he was amazed and wanted to throw rocks and sticks at it. The whole stoning took away from the Wild America moment we were having.
What makes kids so violent? I remember as a child dropping a brick on a frog and splattering the poor unsuspecting creature all over the place. How cruel! I felt really bad about that then and now. I have considered starting a refuge for toads where lawnmowers and weedeaters cannot threaten. That is just because I haven't finished mowing the yard yet.
This once again is another crazy post from the rambling mind of a psychopath. But don't think for a moment that a turtle cannot move fast. That thing can hussle. I could too if I were pelted by rocks and had a guy with a camera in my face in front of me. The joys of our natural world!!!


Momma Tammi said...

So...did the turtle manage to escape the stoning? ~grin~

Jason Mullins said...

I began to write in the dirt and ignore the whole thing. I then looked Paydon straight in the eyes and said...Oh wait, wrong story. Yes. the Turtle did escape the stoning. His arm is not very good anyway. The turtle was never in any real harm. He wanted to stand on it at one point. That was a bit over the top. I am sure the turtle thought so too. We never allowed that to happen. Last night ont he way to eat after Church. No Tim Horton's here!!! We were at a red light. There was a boat next to us with nets full of turtles. Tabithia asked what they would do with them. I said people eat them. She said, "No." Well, we pull up beside the driver and they are a little backwoodish. She decided that thye are going to eat them. I felt sorry for the little painted turtles. I just wanted to take them home and pet them and love and squeeze them. Then realize you can't do that to a turtle without injury. So they are in someone's boiling pot today. RIP.

Jason Mullins said...

I'll pass on the turtle soup. The lobster we had the other day was enough like a turtle. It probably just tastes like chicken anyway. I would rather have chicken. Besides, I am not sure if that is kosher. I would guess not. Oh wait, I am not Jewish either. Who am I anymore? Bring on the turtle burger!!!

wemmies said...

You frog killer! Did you even eat his legs to make up for the vicious act? Or was it another senseless murder of one of God's creatures?

About the balding joke...
Danny said God made a few perfect heads in this world, the rest he put hair on... He is simply going on to perfection. :)

Jason Mullins said...

Sis Smith, The mosquitoes are just now becoming vicious. It has been dry until the past week. Pocahontas seems to be very bad for those that will leave a serious smudge on the windshield. *SPLATTT!!* It will not be pretty! Try not to eat bananas. I hear that really attracts them.

Jason Mullins said...

Oh, I forgot, Wendy, no, it was just a massacre. There was no dinner there. It was a toad frog anyway. Ewwww! Now I have dedicated myself to their protection. It is the Free Frog Foundation (FFF)(Triple F)(F to the third). It is right up ther with PETA. I would have picked PETF. But that don't even sound like anything. I am boycotting KFC, too, though. Countless frogs fall victim in drive thrus all across America. This is about the most stupid thing I have ever posted. There may be those that disagree. (Perhaps there has been worse).

Jason Mullins said...

I won!! I won!! I would like to thank the academy...I thank all of fans that have helped me to get to where I am today...and most of I thank God for giving me the twisted sense of humor that I have.

About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!