Thursday, July 26, 2007

What Title Have I Not Used...

I tried to put a title on this but realized i have already used that one. I don't want to be redundant. I would hate to offend my one and only faithful reader, Sister Smith. Augh! Thank you so much for making the trivial moments of my life seem like interesting material. How kind.
The chronicles of Mushu continues. The cat was so bad last night. He went outside and I could not get him back in. I closed the garage door down and pretended to abandon him. I thought when I put that door up he would be there scared to death that I had deserted him...NAH!!!! I don't no where the little beast was. I went out and called and called. Finally about when i determined he was going to camp out last night, he comes up like nothing ever happened. I was mad at the little feline, but not furious. I was going to pick him up and put him back in the garage. He ran from me again. I was getting furious at this point. I don't know how people with real children ever do it. He ran under the car. I took my flip flop off and threw it at him. Does that sound like sanctified behaviour? Don't tell me you parents never threw a shoe at your kids or at least thought about it. Those Smith kids, the youngest especially, probably needed a shoe tossed at them with love. Can you throw a shoe with love? Anyway, I looked under the car and there he was just looking at me like I was a dummy. So I retrieved my shoe and threw it again. My intention was not rage but rather to force him out of his hiding spot. He is such an impish little beast at times. I hope there are no PETA supporters reading this. If there are, I eat chicken, too! That is what I think about that. Finally, after the last throw of the flip flop, the cat chases it into the garage. I go in behind him. He realizes he is in for it and tries to get back outside. I was getting even worse at that point. He was just making this situation worse and worse. I blocked him in more than one direction, he tried to get around me still. I reached to put the door down with the keypad the whole time playing defense. As soon as my furry friend was imprisoned safely in the garage, I changed my game plan to offense. I was not intending to spare the rod or the flip flop as the case may be. He ran from me all over that place. I never did get to properly discipline him. I had fed him, after that I covered it over. I refuse to reward bad behavior. He had already had his allotment for the day anyway. What a bad child! This is precisely why I do not have kids. They would act up and I would just find whatever was handy or footy and whack them.
Mama did us that way. At times it was whatever she could find. I was disciplined by a big stick on the side of the road. My older brother received the handle end of a fish net. My youngest brother met a piece of PVC pipe. We needed it. They probably did worse than me (in many instances still do). Actually lick for lick, I probably got the most. I was always in trouble. It must have worked its way out of my system or the miraculous work of sanctification eradicated that nature. I lean more toward the second.
I need a kitty discipline class. This little monster is about to get it. Most of the time he is really good, even when he is biting until he leaves marks. That does not bother me. When he refused to listen to me or even respond, I can't handle it. He is very hard headed. Any suggestions?


Momma Tammi said...

You have forgotten the most important rule in having a don't own the cat, the cat OWNS YOU! The cat doesn't OBEY YOU...YOU OBEY the cat! Once you've come to grips and accepted that won't get nearly so upset when Mushu does his/her? own thing.

I sincerely hope that you didn't have a heart attack by my posting a comment. I do read faithfully, I just don't comment when my brain is stuffed with cotton. ~smiling ever so sweetly~

Vic said...

Bro Jason,

Who can I contact in your region to help me find young ladies 12=25 for the Parade of Nations this year. Must be saved, sanctified and able to be at the Assembly on Thurs for practice because the Parade is Thurs evening...Willing to wear an ankle length white dress, flat white shoes/slippers and short white gloves...Thanks...

Sister Vicky Bly

Jason Mullins said...

Sis. Tammi. What a surprise. Mushu is a he, a very hard headed he. This morning already I have had the same problem. he knows when I am going to put him up. he gave chase again. Ugh! I just want to strangle him sometimes. Last night we had company over. They said he had a lot of personality. That he does. he jumped up to the edge of the pool and was slapping at the water. How crazy! He is pretty good most of the time though.

Sis Vicki Bly, I go to Church with the camp coordinator. She would be the right one to locate younger ladies for the parade. Most everyone I know is in the 30 something crowd.

cokelady said...

Guess I'll have to post in lieu of your "one faithful reader" since she's at NC Convention this weekend.

I admire your creativity in the training techniques you imploy with your cat. Flip-flops. Never thought of them as such a tool, possibly because I don't own any of them. (Cats OR flip-flops.) In any case, I really think you ought to give up on the cat and give kids a try. I'm convinced that it's much easier to raise children than animals, most especially cats. There are more biblical directives to help you know how to raise kids than animals and you have the benefit that they actually speak your language. Kind of. You invest more time and energy into kids than animals (even animals you love a whole lot) and it shines through. I have three great kids, but a completely unruly and out-of-control dog. Of course, to read my blog you'd think my children fit the same bill. ANYWAY, since you DON'T have kids I'm glad that you have a really bad cat to keep you busy and to amuse the rest of us. :-)

By the way, NARR is considering awarding you the Best Reformed Blogger of the Quarter trophy for your sudden surge in posts. Keep up the good work! ;-)

Vicki Smith said...

Ahhhh, maaaannnn! Just when I win the trophy for the "Most Faithful Reader" I'm nowhere around to receive it! Bummer! --Just got back from a great Convention in North Carolina.

We only have been owned by one cat, named Zanzabar. She showed up one day at our log home in Howard, CO. She meowed and rubbed against our legs and informed us she was home. *raising eyebrow* She stayed for 7 years until we finally put an ad in the paper. We felt sorry for her because we had to be out of town so much and we felt MORE sorry for the neighbor lady who was always having to go out of her way to see that Zanzabar had food and water. During that 7 years Zanzabar continually tried to convince us that she was in INDOOR cat. I wasn't buying it. Nuh uh. Cats shed and jump on tables and counters. GROSS! She was an EXCELLENT mouser, though, and I miss that part. She also caught birds, and even a bat once, and a baby bunny *wiping a tear* and lizards. She was the friendliest cat I ever saw. There was no way you could sit down outside without Zanzabar emerging from somewhere and depositing herself in your lap and demand a good petting. Actually, I miss Zanzabar but like I said, we travel WAY TOO MUCH to own a pet. Now we just keep fish . . . in the pond in front of the house. Most of them now have pierced lips from being caught by one of my husband's new lures. ;-)

Vic said...

Bro Jason,

Can you give me a contact person for your region? I have tried numerous times to contact Bro Dewayne Smith with no luck...Thanks...

Sis Vicky Bly

Jason Mullins said...

Wow! I suddenly became very popular again. I am very excited about the NARR Award! "I would like to thank the Lord, the academy..."

I am glad the conention went well. Ah! Mushu knows the ills of being neglected. Weekends he is mostly on his own. I make sure he is fed and watered but aside from that, there is little of the petting going on.

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!