Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nearly Disasterous...

As noted in my previous post, last weekend was our Regional Convention. It went well on Friday night. The boosts were going well, Bro Carter gave an excellent message. I had o leave right about he time for the altar call. Let me just tell you why. You knew I was going to anyway. I worked so hard to get all of my props and program ready and packed into the car. I had to leave the convention and go to work. I would be there all night. So I had to make sure that i had all of the things I needed for the next day. I had a change of clothes and all the essentials to take a shower the next morning. I had everything ready. While sitting in the convention I realized that I did not. I had forgotten my scrubs and my work shoes. I could not wear the hard soled shoes I had on, besides they would not match my scrubs at all. What scrubs. I leave the convention a little earlier than what I planned so that I could go to Wal-Mart and get a pair of shoes to work in. While I am doing that Tabithia is getting gas. I grabbed just a few food items to eat during the night on my way to the register. Off to Jonesboro we go. I get to the hospital in just enough time to go down stairs to surgery to borrow a pair of scrubs. Clocked in and worked my 12 hours.
That time passed rather well. It always does when you are busy. I did have a little time to look over my boost again at the beginning of the shift. That was all of the time I had. I realized I left my peanut butter I bought in the car. So when I got the chance to eat it was just a bread sandwich. Ummmmm. It was really good bread though. The time came for me to make my exit. I go down to surgery, take a shower, get all ready. I had everything I needed. I am all ready except my clothes which are hanging in the car. By this time it is 11:30 am. I started looking for my keys. Where oh where are my keys? At moments the panic of the situation begins to overcome me. What am I going to do? I needed to be on the road like then. I had extra time allowed because my props had to be assembled. I could not travel with them together. After a long period of looking everywhere again and again (even the stupid places where you know you would never put your keys of anything else). I called Tabithia again and she was making arrangements to get a spare key to me. She was booked and could not come. Finally she found someone to bring them, but they were eating. They had to finish first. Finally my key arrived at 1pm. I was on program at 1:45. It takes about that long to get there, change clothes, and make it back stage. Believe me i know. By the time I am trying to get my last minute preps done, remember my props are not together, I was being beckoned to the stage. Bro Smith said, "Bro Jason are you ready?" What kind of a question was that? No, I was not ready. I had to cut quite a bit out. God taught me a very important lesson. Maybe lessons...One...trust Him. He will get you there on time even if it was your own stupidity (by the way my keys were found in the back seat of the car. I had so much to carry in that night, I must have sat them down.). Two...Cut the pageantry and preach the word. Three...Just because I think I have it all together does not mean I have it all together. Four...Make a checklist days before while still clear headed. Then I will know everything is done.
That was Saturday. I went home to rest after that. I got my things for Sunday and that all went better except that I grabbed black socks instead of blue. Sunday at a convention is kind of a dreaded day. most people are ready to hear appointments by that time. They really don't care what else you have to say. I might be exaggerating of speaking of myself (surely not me). Well, that afternoon (no one had eaten or anything) appointments are made. No I am not pastoring for those wondering. I have had another Regional Coordinator change. I am now working back in Sunday School. It was a good convention what parts I was able to attend. It seemed that everyone mentioned getting along with one another. You would think we would have mastered that by now. Hmmm. It really is not the big things like smoking, drinking, swearing that are apt to take us down. But our adversary does sneak in Eden style to twist and turn small things into big deals. Christ said that love was an identifying mark of the Church. The devil would like nothing more than to steal that identity from us. That is our biggest fight. God help us all.


About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!