Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What A Strange Combination!

This is not a pickles and ice cream post or any other food catastrophes. I was sitting in Church Sunday listening as the appointments were being made. You know sometimes there are times you don't really want to hear your name. Like when you are in a doctor's office and you have found a good magazine that has captured your interest. Soon as you get going really good, "Jason Mullins." Oh, drats! Does anyone else ever fell that way? Well, Sunday was kind of like that. I was just minding my own business, well really I wasn't because I cringed at every appointment. The list goes on and I am nearly sweating. All of a sudden, out of no where...CHILDREN"S CHURCH!!!!! AUUUGGGHHH! Of all places I never suspected I would be in Children's Church. It is not that I do not want to do that. I just never guessed I would be there. Isn't it strange sometimes where we are placed? I worked there for about seven years many years ago. That was a different local church so I can now use all of my old tricks with these new kids. There are not very many kids though. VBS had a huge impact on this I do believe.
Now the strange combination I was talking about is this, I am now serving as Local Children's Church Director, Regional BTI Coordinator, Regional Evangelism Coordinator and I am supposed to be developing a Regional Website. That is a strange combination to me. If it were a sandwich I don't think that it would be a very good one. Oh, well, who said that everything is supposed to make sense. I know most would agree with that. Well, I have been at this computer way to long. I have got to do Wednesday devotion. Since I work every week night, I try to make up for it with extra Wed devotion. God bless you guys!


cokelady said...

Wow, that is weird. Don't complain though. It's not as weird as being 25 years old and an Overseer! Talk about a strange combination!!! (James is a whoppin' 27 now. ;-) Still weird.) Anyway, you really are pulled in some drastically different directions! Personally, I worry a bit about you having such an influence over young, susceptable children. More rubs off on them that you'd think and I just don't no if this is fair to them!

By the way, which local church did you say you're a member at? Who is your pastor?

Jason Mullins said...

I am a member in Jonesboro. Our pastor is Bro Paul Lawrence, our former RO. I know what you mean about the rubbing off thing. It is scary.

wemmies said...

You shouldn't have been suprised! God was already inspiring you with Yard Sale Evangelism! :P

Here's what you do... take all the children in your church. Get their old junk and have a traveling regional evangelism yard sale. You can meet people everywhere! ha! Then you can teach them BTI stuff so they can be good and learned. Is there a BTI lesson on weed? ;)

Jason Mullins said...

Sis Vicki B.,

The last post made sense to me but my mind stays all jumbled up anyway. *laughs* I will spread the word about Erika. I suppose that you are only as old as you feel so are feeling about 25?

I love the yard sale idea. We could be a band of evangelistic gypsies going from town to town selling cheap junk and leading souls to Christ. I love it!!!! I will even break out the BTI books!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking along the same lines today!
It seems that God has chosen to put both Bobby and I in places we could not have imagined ourselves being (or wanting to be.).
For instance, I was appointed state
ABM. Anyone who knows me would probably find that humorous. I am an introvert. I was one phone call away from saying no way when the Lord spoke to my heart. Can't explain it, but I feel God is saying to me that He wants me even more out of my comfort zone and become completely under his care and direction.
I love working with children, but adults????
Hey at least you don't have to eat your sandwich. ( OK that as dumb, but for some reason when I visit your page, it just rolls out!LOL!)

Anonymous said...

Shes gonna ask you to be in the Parade of Nations!LOL!

cokelady said...

WHOA!!! This is way too freaky. That Vicky Bly sure is getting around. But I'm not so sure I want to be a part of this if Jason is receiving the same call as the rest of us! SOMETHIN IS NOT RIGHT HERE. I knew you were desperate for help, Sister Vicky... but JASON?! In a white dress?!?!?!? Eeeeewwwww!!!!!

Jason Mullins said...

Terra, thanks for stopping by and for the kind words. Perhaps the next time we come it could be during the ski season. ZOOOOMMM!

Jason Mullins said...

I agree the wite dress thing would be disasterous. I would have to wear black nylons for undisclosed reasons. I'm no fashion pro, esspeically when it comes to dresses,but that seems a bit of a faux pas to me. I could perhaps find a floor length gown. STOPPP! It just in southern terms ain't happnin!

About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!