Saturday, October 14, 2006

Where to begin...

Well, we are home. It was a beautiful city! I have over 700 picures of the skyline, the buildings, palm trees, tropical plants, Mexico, Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo, San Diego harbor...Yes, wonderful pictures that I cannot retrieve from my camera at this point. I have spent 2 hours trying to get them and nothing has worked yet. I have another way to accomplish this. It will just take some time. Oh...time. There is a pile of luggage that needs unpacked in our spare room, most of the clothes there need washed. The dogs need to see me and I go to work at 3. Hmmm. Sounds like I need a vacation. *snickers*

Enough whining. It really was a great vacation. I found myself amused at some the people on multiple occaisions. Mexico was hilarious. All you have to do is turn around and take a few steps in disinterest and the prices begin o fall. This was Tabithia's paradise. She is such a "Jew." One lady dropped the price, not by much and said, "I'll even throw in a free bag." The plactic bag seemed to be her only lure. For that matter we had our hands full of them from other purchases.
One note...I never made it to the beach. We were so busy with everything else. We were attemptimg it on Thursday when it got very dark, very fast. So we turned around. The temperature was very cool there so it may have been a safe time to visit without seeing more than I bargained for. We did stop at a harbor-side beach, very small. Nonethe less it was a beach.
I will have more to post. There will be pics if I can get them off the camera. If not then you all will have to come to Arkansas and look through my LCD. I must be going. I just did not want you all to think the plane went down or anything. Gotta go unpack, etc. God bless.


cokelady said...

Hey, you made it back! You've been missed. Not by ME, of course... I just heard somebody else say so. ;-)

James enjoyed bargaining in Mexico, too, although he says you really get much better prices just across the border in El Paso. Weird.

We look forward to seeing pictures (although not all 700, I hope) if you can talk them into venturing out of the camera, and I'm sure there will be some great stories of amusing occurances. If not then you'd better start making some up because we're all expecting great stories. :-)

Momma Tammi said...

Glad you made it back. Sounds like you had a great trip. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

Jason Mullins said...

Yes pictures and stories are comign soon. But not today. I am in sucha hurry. Tomorrow morning I will try to get them on here.

About Me

My photo
In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!