Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Okay, Here's Another One...

Here are som of the zoo pics. The meerkat was certainly in the spotlight. It is soo hard to get the right lighting. By the time you have gone everywhere, some light is good some is bad. If I lived there I would have to go pretty often to get all of the pics I wanted. The elephants were amazing. The elephant on the left took its trunk and gave the other one a drink. It was very cool. The giraffe looked at me as though I were inposing. Then I wrestled the hippo into submission for a photo opportunity. It was a really cool zoo. 100 acres of zoo to be exact. Makes my feet tired all over again. Tabithia was complaining of her knee. She is getting soooo old! *snickers*


Momma Tammi said...

Those are great pics. I think that I like the giraffe picture the best though. I love the look on its face! Too funny!

About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!