Friday, November 09, 2007


What a retched word! When it comes to bills it is particularly uncomfortable. We seldom ever experience that unless there has been some gross oversight (or misplaced bill). I am really over due to shed my joyful presence over blogville like glorious morning sun as it casts its first golden rays dispelling the darkness that was. So here I am. Feel better? Nyak!

A lot has transpired since last post. Last Friday, Tabithia's grandparents house caught fire. That was an intense moment when I received the phone call. It was disheartening to imagine plumes of smoke chased by the intense heat of years of memories engulfed in flames. I am so poetic today. What is up with that? I went over there and to my pleasure and surprise, no obvious flames. The fire department was on the scene and never had to sop down anything with their hoses. It began at the electrical meter and was primarily contained there. Someone was outside at the neighbors and caught it early. I fear that her grandparents who could scarcely hear a summer's thunderstorm would ever have a clue as to what was occurring. Everyone and virtually everything was safe. There was very minimal damage even from smoke.

For the past week, though, the house has been powerless, and thus the grandparents have moved in with us, only at night. They sleep at our house. They are so afraid that they will inconvenience us. They don't like to use our water. I actually like the dish washing situation. I despise to wash dishes. I don't even like to load them in the dishwasher. Blah! Well, Christine, her grandmother, is all about washing dishes. It is pretty nice actually.
Revival...What can I say? God has really blessed me as well as those there. Wednesday night was an awkward night for me. I did not feel I had the liberty needed. It was not any one's fault but perhaps my own. We had nine present the first night. Last night I believe we were up to about 11. It is a very small work and I am glad o be of service to them. The pastor apologizes unnecessarily because I am not discouraged. The Lord gave me a wonderful liberty last night. I was amazed by God's ability. I started and finished with the same intensity without any throat problems or loss of voice. Lately, I grow raspy by the end. My voice is nearly always gone by the end of the night anyway. the message was entitled, Isolation. I began talking about super staph and was able to put a plug in for hand washing, then on to the Levitical terms of isolation discussed in chapter 15, straight on to the woman with the issue of blood. We do not have to feel isolated. Our High Priest is touched with the feeling of our infirmities, whether physical, spiritual, emotional, mental...We just have to press through and reach out reach out in faith. only three members including the pastor have been there and four family members of one of the song leader. I am looking forward to tonight.
I should be wrapping this up. I still have to cook for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. I will have no time tomorrow. I need to let the dogs out. I need to change the ducks' water. I need to take a nap not to mention finish studying for tonight's message and have my things ready for work. What am I doing on here? See Ya!!


Momma Tammi said...

It is most certainly about time that you added something new and fresh. Man...even the ducks wouldn't touch the stale pickins you had left behind. ~giggle~ Okay, I'll stop giving you a hard time...well...maybe not...just so you know...I never quit blogging, just changed locations twice. I finally decided to throw caution to the wind and quit hiding out which is why you happened to stumble onto my whereabouts. BTW...I have some "stale" good news posted if you are interested. So...what did you make for the Thanksgiving dinner?

Jason Mullins said...

I made the famous Candian Potato Salad I learned about while there and 2 apple pies.

I read some of the news and caught up a bit on the family happenings. I can't believe Darren is married already. Wow!

Momma Tammi said...

Hey, Darren isn't the only one is Jeremy. I realized after I posted that last comment that you have already read the stale news. ~hee hee~

Jason Mullins said...

Oh, my. That was very quick. Last time I saw Jeremy he was not even engaged. Then I saw on his myspace where he was. Now married! I am so far behind. Sam is not maried off, too, is he?

About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!