Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm Alive!!!!

Thank God for that. It has been very busy for me lately. The last time I was able to check my email and blog was on July 4. What happened to sweet independence. I have started my summer clinicals for MRI to finish up my bachelor degree and graduate the second time. The only problem with that is I work everyday as well. So I find myself at the hospital 12+ hours a day. I could do more, but I don't want to burn out. I could have started sooned, but I was burned out. I feel better now though (with the help and "encouragement" of my choleric wife. *laughs uncontrollably*
I then spent late nights finishing up on my SS/BTI program for convention. It was truly inspired, I sure could not have come up with all of that. There was a lot of work involved to pull the whole thing off. There was a large cast involved, too. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to be left to see it. I finnally got things in order for it. I had forgotten to make an important part of if. While I was talking to another brother during the devotion that was on before me, I realized the oversight. I ran back and made that thing without a problem. I knew I was anointed then. That would have taken me forever at home. God gave liberty for that program. There are times that it seems hard to preach like there just is not the freedom to say what needs to be said. I struggled through the first part, knowing it was from God but scared to death my knowing might get me in a great deal of trouble. Then I had some singers on program and there was a slight move of the Spirit. People did rise to their feet, but we just were not able to get to where we needed to be. Have you ever felt that way? God was present and blesse, but just enough that you knew there was something more He wanted. We were not able to get through at that point. I finished out the program and returned to my seat. It went well though.
The whole convention was like that. You could just tell that God was requiring more of us before we could progress. Nearly every message and boost had the same bones--UNITY and even RESTITUTION. There was a great deal of that that this weekend. We were urged to bury our hatchets. I leave that place feeling satisfied and at peace. I once wondered who would make things right with me. God did and that is all I need. I have had a spiritual healing this past weekend. It ended up being a very good convention.
Bro Smith even made Auxilliary appointments. I am now BTI and Evangelism coordinator. Bye, bye Sunday School. The funny thing is that was the one I had figured out what I was doing. Now I am starting all over again. *sigh* This is one of those so very long posts that i do not like to read. Perhaps I should have split it up. Oh, well, All's well that end well. Love you guys!!


Momma Tammi said...

So glad that you made an appearance. You've been missed. I'm so glad that your SS program went fairly well. It could have gone really badly ya know?! ~hee hee~ I have rarely felt the kind of anointing that I did during my SS boost. It was supposed to be a boost not a program, but it lasted 50 minutes and would have been longer if I had left in the skit and the demonstration which I axed the day before. We video taped it via the camcorder into the computer. We've got to rip it from the computer and make sure the audio/visual corresponds and then Bro. RJ will burn DVD's of the entire convention. Oh yeah, the youth are going to do another bottle drive. Someone has offered to match whatever they raise to help in purchasing a projector system for the church.

Anyway...our love to Tab...welcome back!

Jason Mullins said...

That reminds me, Bro RJ had a video of me from Canada that he was going to give me. Not that I want to hear myself, it woudl be a neat souvenir. I would probably just critique myself to death.

Momma Tammi said...

I'll ask him about it tomorrow night at church. I still have your address sitting in front of my computer monitor. ~grin~

Jason Mullins said...

Awe! How sweet to be thought of so much that our address is right before you always! That is great. Awe! If you all need that address while passing through from the Assembly you are more than welcome. It is getting so close.

Momma Tammi said...

Thanks for the offer. We are flying in and out of Nashville, so I don't think we will be in your neck of the woods.

I don't know why I keep your card sitting on the base of my monitor, I guess I haven't found a better place to put it. ~grin~

By the way...use your imagination to figure out how puffy, red and blotchy I am from whatever is going haywire with my system and be sympathetic anyway. You are such a nut! Keep it cracks me up and Lord knows, I need all the chuckles I can stand. ~smile~

Momma Tammi said...

I asked Bro. RJ about the video of you preaching and it is sitting in his computer doing nothing. He said that he would get it together and I could bring it to you at the Assembly.

About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!