Okay, I know I have posted three other posts todya alone. This is a record for me. Blooger acts crazy when you try to post a lot of pics so I did it a little at a time. There are the pics from our Butterfly lesson in Children's Church before the Assembly. Jasmine is demonstrating her caterpillar she made while Destiny and Andrea are all wrapped up in another project. We talked about how we are all kind of like a worm until God comes into our life and changes us into the beautiful creature He wants us to be. I don't know whether they emerged from the TP any different, but at least the idea is there and one day they will realize that God is placing them in a coccoon. I remember God doing this to me one night as I sat in a service unrepentant and could not take it any more. I could hardly wait for the altar call. God began His work in me. There are plenty of times He draws me in for another transformation. As the little song goes, "God's gonna finish just what He started, even though the water's got to be parted. Lift up your heads don't be broken hearted. God's gonna finish what He started in you." He bagan this work in us and is faithful to finish it. I will continue to subject myself to the coccoon of God. I want to emerge beautifully perfect in His sight. God bless!
Thanks, Jason, for doing your part to liven up Blogsville! :-)
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