I think these are enough for one post as I am already having blogger issues today. Let's see, what do I have here. Of course there is Sis Smith at the piano. I sneeked this pic and she never knew it. She may have assumed the flash was from heaven. There was a point where some brother acted nasty behind me and I was afarid I was going to see a flash in the form of a lightning bolt. You know the army does that sometimes, they zero in on a target and miss. Well, God is so much more accurate than our military might. I also snapped a pic of the Canadians. Someone behind them is offering the right hand of fellowship or talking with her hands. I ususally talk with my feet. It is an Arkansas thing. I also have this adorable pic of this little boy. He was in the lap of the Sister in the other pic with the pom pom during much of the Assembly. They never knew I got that one. There was a little boy in the march that had his head wrapped in a bandage with a little blood on it. I felt so sorry for him and thought we should have prayer. That was until I saw another kid with similar "injuries" and realized that was their march theme. That is why we should not lay hands on someone suddenly. We could wind up looking very silly. It took me a long time to realize it was not real. I felt like such a dummy. I just felt so moved with compassion when I saw him at first. I wondered what had happened. Some of those kids nearly needed something as the Spirit was stirred within me during our worship in the VLB program. When i came back to myself I looked around and people had been ducking for cover all around me. I had a good 6-8 feet all to myself. This sister with several small children was all out int he isle trying to keep from getting stepped on or slapped. The fore-mentioned overseer (of Canada and NW) was too busy laughing to come to the rescue of these poor saints. I better post this to be sure it will post. I would hate to lose this volume of wisdom. *snickers*
Bro Ray's facial expression is great! LOL!!
Hmmm...wonder what he was thinking at that moment?
Great post Bro. Jason. Great pics too. I usually hate the ones of myself, but you got a good one. ~hee hee~
There was one pic of you that I wish I had been able to get, but with a fussy babe in my arms, I couldn't get the one of you doing the war dance. ~grin~ All kidding aside, it was great to see so many of our VLB's getting blessed.
Pretty sneaky camera work, buddy.
Here is my ph number in code 541-156-2144. If you can crack the code then...oh just kidding the number is 870-483-5077. THat pic is not so bad. You can't help the lazy eye.
You know when someone deletes a posts it just drives me crazy trying to figure out what it could have been. I am so nosey like that.
Sis Smith, The whole Assembly had to have seen me down there. You must have been in a spirit of worship (aka another world).
Great picture of the Adams family (*snap*snap*) -- I really don't think it's that bad of a picture of Brother Ray. You should see what he looks like when he's playing the drums!!! ;-)
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