I have tried for days to upload more pics from the land of Aloha. The Internet where I am is not fully cooperating. It pretty well stinks. I have nearly had a stroke trying this many times. It is nearly more than I can bear. I would love to be able to post some more but instead I am left only to describe with words. I will not even attempt that.
Having been home only a week now feels like months since we left that sunny (and rainy) land. I know that seems like a contradiction. It rained somewhere on that island everyday we were there. We are still eating on fresh pineapples straight from the red earth. Their soil is bright red but you wouldn't know that because I can't get the pictures up. There is so much iron from all of the volcanic activity. No volcanoes where we were, only extinct ones.
Life is back to normal here in the real world. We had a revival over the weekend with Sis Carter (Bro Lanny Carter's wife). I really enjoyed her ministry. She has such a take charge authority about her. Not like a coup attempt on your Church, but more like a "means business" approach. She does not compromise with the devil. I really admired her in your face altar work, too. She did not back down and at the same time was not over the top. She is very humble in spite of the description I have given here. I actually never knew she was a minister. In fact I had never really heard her say much in all of the times she was here on official business. She said a lot this past weekend and it was all good.
Well, I gotta get around. I need to cook something today to eat this weekend. Hmmm. I dunno! I will figure it out. Talk to you all next week, Lord willing!
We've been waiting for more pictures--the last ones were so great.
Glad to hear about the good Revival--that's always great to hear!
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