Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Yard Sale Journal 08/05/2006

5:41 am Alarm...snooze

5:50 am Alarm again...snooze

5:59 am Alarm...Okay, Okay. I'm up already. I can't believe I am doing this again. Have I lost my mind?

6:01 am I am cooking pancakes. Aren't I industrious this am? Actually they are in the microwave. They are frozen.

6:30 am Making my way tot he yard sale at my in-laws house. I'm there but they have a security door that I loathe. It is locked and I can't get in. You would think we lived in Memphis or somewhere. Bunch of chickens! *Bawk...Bawk*

6:35 am Finally I am in Fort Knox, making many trips back and forth from the shop. Although it is early I am sweating profusely.

7:05 am I am still getting this junk out. People are driving by slowly, I must hurry.

7:10 am First customer, no sale.

7:30 am More customers (2 car loads) 1 car leaves no sale. Hispanic family is still shopping. I have no idea what they are saying. Why did I take French in HS? Je ne sais pas!

7:35 am First sale!!!!!! $4.50

7:45 am Neighbor from down the street stops by. She finds some terrible gospel CD's that I thought was a bargain for $5. She pays $.50 for 2. My loss is her gain. *bluhk*

7:50 am Another car. This guy sounds like and auctioneer. I don't know how many times he said the word "dollar." He has a price for everything he has. His car cost him this much...boots...Claims he made $450 at his yard sale. I don't really have anything worth that much individually or collectively. He sure did not spend any of that fortune here.

8:00 am 2 cars, no sale. Earlier I mentioned chickens. There is one here that keeps crowing. It is driving me insane. I know it is not a chicken, it is a rooster. Whatever. I may be from Arkansas, but I am not that back woods. I really don't think that thing is legal in town like this.

8:o5 am Another satisfied customer x 2. Oh wait they are leaving too. they say we are too skinny.

8:15 am Called Tabithia to get her out of the bed. Stupid rooster crows again.

8:23 am Another customer shows up. He leaves his truck running for a quick get away.

8:25 am Yet another customer. She is realted to someone I graduated HS with. No sale, but good conversation. As she pulls away she runs over the sign I have at the edge of the driveway. No problem I can fix that. Okay, it has been an hour with no sale *rasberry*!!!!!

8:30 am More people show up. One is the mother of someone I know. She is having a baby (the girl not the mother)Of course she is not in her right marriage or mind for that matter. Well the last comment was a far stretch.

8:36 am Another sale...get this...a whole, whopping $.75.

8:4o am There is another and she has picked up something...another $.50. Boy oh boy, what am I going to do with all of this money?

8:43 am "Anyone got any boys jeans size 10." Nope!!! Looks like a sale is iminent though, $2.75. Oh, I am having to do math in my head. It hurts!!!

9:05 Some former co-workers showed up. We bashed the old establishment that is long since gone. They buy $4 worth of clothes that I know she can't wear. Oh, well.

9:11 am $2 sale, buying for the grandkids. They ran over my sign again. That makes the third time it has been hit (I backed over first thing this morning) This time the buckett that is is sitting on is crushed...oops!!

9:15 am I decided to call another yard saler to check on how they are doing. Well, really I am calling to rub in the fortune that I have made *rasberry*. Another customer shows up and is gathering her loot.

9:22 am I am still on the phone and can't get off...HELP!!

9:30 am I'm still on the phone. Sales!!!! $.50 and $4.50

9:35 am My neighbor from the old neighborhood stopped by--just for chit chat. She was a good neighbor. She wants to come see our house. Someone has got some cleaning to do. I have just realized that I am not making much money but I am meeting a lot of people. this could be a great outreach...A tract with every purchase. it is a shame it is my last sale. Yard Sale Evangelism, who'd a thunk it? It is a great way to meet people. I'll have to remember that.

9:42 am All alone out here, aside from the barking dogs, chirping birds and occaisional rooster crow it is very quiet.

9:45 am They just drive by as if they don't even see me. Am I manic depressive or what? Oh, just now someone has had pity on me. They stop, look around but briefly. not very friendly either perhaps they should have passed on by. *makes cat fight sound*

9:46 am Another chance at a sale. I've seen them before at the first yard sale. they don't recognize me. I hope my cover is not blown. This is the third sale I have had. They are arguing over dress sizes right now. If people only knew I was writing all of this down. Is that all anyone does anymore, fuss. I'm about to have a Dr Phil Yard Sale or like the Peanuts cartoons "Advice $.05"

9:55 am another $3. The child was rowdy, but just like last time, she always gets a toy.

10:00 am The sun has now come over the tops pf the trees out here. It is getting warm *Wah! Wah!" I moved my chair a bit. I just realized that my junk table is getting very scarce. I was just thinking that earlier I had a custome come up on one of those hover-round scooters, you know the ones from television that are supposed to increase your mobility. they really do apparently. Take that thing out to yard sales. Two people have came on reall sccoters. People have showed up on everything but a horse today. I hope that doesn't happen. I really don't feel like shoveling anything.

10:05 am Moved again. Just thinking that this summer I have made over $70 off of clothes that we can't wear and junk that we don't want. Not bad.

10:07 am Another customer. I am considering a weed salad. I am so hungry. Oops!!! I blocked in Tabithia's grandmother's car. She has to go get her hair did. She will take my car. Can't miss that appointment.

10:12 am Called Momma she has my nieces and one is crying in the background.

10:27 am Trip to the little boys room.

10:30 am I am sorting through some old boxes of mine. More customers $1.50

10:45 am $4.50 more

11:05 am People have come and gone. I just read an article from the Evening Light, April 1996
That Brother Covey had written, "Wordlings, What Are They Trying To Prove?" Very good. I used to love to hear him speak. He is so funny in a corny sort of way.

11:25 am $3

11:58 am CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!

Grand Total of $32 Hooray!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You closed your yardsale before 3PM?
You call that a yard sale?
You call that work????

Momma Tammi said...

What? No grass eating customers? ~smile~ Glad you were able to get rid of some more stuff!

Jason Mullins said...

In our area if your don't sell it by noon, you probably won't. Sister Annette,is this a picture in your new place?

No one ate weeds this time. My in-laws probably keep their yard a little better than mine.

cokelady said...

I'm sorry to hear the weed man wasn't back. However, I found the poor fate of your triply run-over sign to be quite amusing. Keep it up! I'm never quite sure what to say in response to your craziness, but rest assured--it doesn't go unappreciated! My biggest question: is it really worth all the hastle for $32?!

Jason Mullins said...

It is an adventure in the study of mankind. It is just fun to watch them do all the crazy stuff, buy clothes they can't wear just because someone says it is $.50, eat weeds in a perfect strangers yard, find the perfect knick-knack to accumulate dust until selling it in their own yardsale. It is just too funny to watch all of it and write the whole thing down without them ever knowing they were being spied on and exploited for their insanity. I love it. I know I said I had my last, but i nearly can't stop. it is as much an addiction as those spending frivolessly their quarters. *evil laugh*

About Me

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In 2003, my wife Tabithia and I left our city home and embarked on an unexpected journey. Both of us have fulltime jobs outside of the home. When the work day is over we return home and begin working again. We have around 100 animals here. Many of which are owner surrendered or rescued. This 4 +/- acres of land that we call Fair Haven Farms is a little piece of heaven. Not everything is always grand, but we endure the negative and celebrate the highlights of our furred and feathered friends. The farm is available for travel. We participate in many educational programs. FHF also opens the barn doors for birthday parties and other events. Feel free to visit our Fair Haven Farm facebook page. We hope to see you soon. Until then may every day be FARMTASTIC!